Platts's Oil Global Alert

Discussion in 'Commodity Futures' started by janny, Apr 14, 2017.

  1. janny


    I trade mostly NG, CL (sometimes RBob). I am thinking about subscribing Platts's oil global alert.

    Anyone who subscribes and have opinion?

    Or any alternatives?

    Thank you
  2. I'm not sure you understand what that product is. It's an incredibly expensive real-time system for physical oil traders.
  3. drm7


    That may be overkill, unless you are slinging around 100s of contracts and trading OTC and cash/physical as well. If you want integrated fundamental data, DTN ProphetX is pretty strong in this regard. Not sure how much it costs though. They do offer a free trial, and have specific energy platforms. I am not affiliated with this company and do not use the product, just saw it after a similar google search.
    janny likes this.
  4. janny


    Thank you very much, drm7. I will look into DTN.
  5. wintergasp


    Platts is 50,000 or 80,000 usd a year I believe (+ VAT of 20% likely)
    janny likes this.
  6. janny


    Wow. Thank you for the info. Maybe next life time...
  7. just21


  8. janny


    Thank you for the info, just21. But I want fundamental news rather than signals...
  9. just21


    Reuters eikon/ xenith is fundamental geopolitical news. They cover the oil market very well. You will get the inventory numbers for cl as a headline for example.
  10. Overnight


    Eikon is from $600-$1,800 per month. It is not for the timid. I went through their trial, and while it is great for deep Holy-Shit-I-Am-A-Physical-Trader-In-Commodities trader, it is not for the average Joe Blow.
    #10     Apr 17, 2017