Platform that supports CME Level 3 / market by order ?

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by CALLumbus, Aug 12, 2017.

  1. CALLumbus


    Hi all,

    do you know of any futures trading platform that already supports the CME market by order (the CME market data feed featuring all individual orders) ?
    I really like the EPIQ feature of X_trader/ TT, but this would even better, but I dont see any platform that has already implemented it.

    Thanks !
    TraDaToR and Robert Morse like this.
  2. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    Interesting. I did not know about this. Thank you. I'm going to look into this during the week. Might only be available to direct FIX clients. They call the feed Market by Order.
    CALLumbus likes this.
  3. ofthomas


    TT already takes advantage of MBO MDP and displays it all for you...

    new TT is awesome, they just need to get their act together around pricing (I miss their old transaction model, it was way more affordable), they should include AL with that model like they used to, and they should allow for being able to create one's own custom indicators for their charts...

    IMO some vendors charge a lot for their platforms to not dilute their support resources, and to manage their overall infrastructure spend... so it would be unlikely they would bring the costs down to where the masses could switch to them only... if they ever did that, then you can forget about using NT8/MC.. you can then focus on using those for charting or system development and then implement purely on TT with AL and executing off MDT..
    CALLumbus and patrickrooney like this.
  4. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    What does this feed cost?
  5. jjw

    jjw ET Sponsor

    Take a look at the order book of R | Trader Pro.
    IAS_LLC likes this.
  6. The TT platform supports CME's MBO price feed, and EPIQ for those products is not an estimate--it is your actual position in queue. You can also see the number of orders (or headcount) that comprise each price level.


    In Market Grid, you can see every order at each price level.


    We are adding the ability to highlight your own orders in the detailed depth and the ability to see detailed depth in MD Trader. Additionally, we are enhancing ADL and Autospreader to be able to take advantage of position in queue and headcount.
    CALLumbus and Ghost_of_Blotto like this.
  7. jjw

    jjw ET Sponsor

    We show the quantity ahead of your front order and the quantity behind it. Alternatively you can see the number of orders ahead of your front order and the number of orders behind it.
    CALLumbus likes this.
  8. CALLumbus


    Robert, ofthomas, Patrick and Jonathan, thanks for the great input, this really helps me :)
  9. CALLumbus


    Patrick, if you take a look at the TT video ofthomas posted, you can see at 3:50 that 20 contracts are pulled from the bid in the emini DOM, the bid @2418.75 changes from 136 contracts on the bid to 116 contracts. But there is no change in the corresponding EPIQ number. Also, I dont see the 20 contracts the user in the TT video is bidding in the bid quantity column in the Market Grid window. Is this because the user in the video is trading a SIM account, or did I understand something wrong ?
    In the bid quantity column in the Market Grind window, are the individual orders shown in the sequence according to their position in queue ?

    Thank you !
  10. CALLumbus


    @Tradovate , do you plan to implement this feature into your platform soon ?
    #10     Aug 13, 2017