PLAN for the worst, Hope for the Best

Discussion in 'Economics' started by tradingbug, Nov 15, 2008.

  1. achilles28



    What makes you think for one second your half-baked predictions would fly in a real world scenario??

    Coming from a guy who wants to inflate wages by 50% without affecting street-level prices, yea, you're a real Weekend Warrior!

    And that has any relevance, how??

    People starved during the Great Depression, despite excess capacity.

    Whats currency deflation got to do with it when the Government could have "nationalized food"??

    Who's to say it won't happen again??


    #61     Nov 16, 2008
  2. Someone that knows more about history than me, please explain what the confiscation of gold was about economically.

    What I've read seems to indicate it gave a floor to the price of gold, which in turn gave a floor to the price of other commodities, starting up a round of inflation to get the US through its deepening deflation.

    This makes sense to me, but I'm sure there are some other explanations.
    #62     Nov 16, 2008
  3. jprad


    You keep saying that, how about something to back it up?

    While you're at it you might want to check into the Agricultural Adjustment Act that Roosevelt passed in '33...
    #63     Nov 16, 2008
  4. jprad


    Up until that time anyone could walk into a bank and demand gold in exchange for paper money.

    People saw what was going on and were pulling gold out in droves, hoarding it.

    Worse, it was also happening internationally, but Roosevelt couldn't stop them from demanding gold for their dollars.

    The net result was that it was depleting the government's gold reserves.

    So, he closed the banks until the order was established. You were then forced to surrender your gold for the fixed price of $20/oz.

    After the gold was seized Roosevelt raised the price of gold to $35/oz. which devalued the dollar by 40% overnight.

    It mutated to the Bretton Woods Agreement until '71 when Nixon took us off gold for good.
    #64     Nov 16, 2008
  5. I read most of your stuff, and I say "pretty accurate". I read achilles stuff, and it is like he cuts and pastes most of it out of a comic book or doomsday magazines.

    talking to achilles is like talking to a potted plant. Except the plant is much brighter.

    I cannot believe the 3rd grade level stuff he spews. I suspect anyone who finds him interesting are his alter egos.....
    #65     Nov 16, 2008