Placing the Blame as Students Are Buried in Debt

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Clubber Lang, Jun 1, 2010.

  1. This is exactly it! They made it so easy to go to college with anyone being able to get a student loan, its silly. If we just did away with student loans and federal grants we would see the cost of education go down.
    #21     Jun 2, 2010
  2. You know I agree with most of what you say. But college does weed out the flakes atleast from a 4 year. I have a Sociology degree and did social work but the pay was shiite. I realized to get an MSW would be 45k minimum and I would only make 50k so I said forget it. I got lucky and got into business and did well for myself. I really enjoy Econ now but at the time I couldn't stand Macro Micro Econ at community college.

    Now I try and tell my sister not to finish her Anthropology degree. Atleast go English major its a bit more practical since she has enough credits for both. And we both went to UC were tuition isn't bad. But yes there were ppl. getting degrees in Women's Studies. Hell we have a friend who is very religious that has a Masters in Theology from Seminary and he is a short order cook. How about all those BS technical schools that charge and arm and leg to fix cars. We should go the vocational track like Europe. You don't test well by high school you learn a vocation.
    #22     Jun 2, 2010
  3. WTF do you do with a "Religious and women's studies" Degree? Out of EVERYTHING she could have picked..I mean seriously?
    #23     Jun 2, 2010
  4. As part of my education I tutored and all I can say is thank you. Why? I had no idea about the spectrum of ability. There were some people who found the mathematics of flipping burger challenging.

    Reminds of that alzheimer's joke the local Alzheimer's society club, they liked my first joke so much I told it again and again and again. In fact I told it 26 times. After the show, this old bloke said to me, "I don't know how you remember them all!"
    #24     Jun 2, 2010
  5. banks made a stupid loan due to govt backstops. pull the govt, let the student default, and the bank gets theirs for years of riskless reward. Done. Now never do it again.
    #25     Jun 2, 2010
  6. lol studying the two most illogical things on the planet.
    #26     Jun 2, 2010
  7. heypa


    Everyone should have a college degree.
    Everyone should have a home.
    Ring a bell anyone?
    The whole mess started with the G.I. Bill after WW2.
    College facilities expanded to meet enrollment needs. It was a bubble that had to be refilled. JMHO
    #27     Jun 2, 2010
  8. Her best option now is to find herself a wealthy husband who will make the loan disappear.
    #28     Jun 2, 2010
  9. A lot of women with debt like that become escorts...if they look good, they can pay back that $100k in debt in a few years.
    #29     Jun 2, 2010
  10. If thats true, then that means the United States breeds a nation of college educated whores. So the question is...if they can make that kind of money being whores in the first place...why go to college? I thought women go to college so they DONT have to be whores, not go to college and then have to be whores.

    What sick bizarro world are we living in today???
    #30     Jun 2, 2010