Piven Rings In New Year By Calling For A Viloent Revolution

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bugscoe, Jan 1, 2011.

  1. It'll be great if Alaska secedes. It can drill ANWR and compete with Saudi Arabia on oil.

    On Illinois, only 4 of 103 counties voted for the Democrat governor. Because Chicago voted for the Democrat, the Democrat won. I'd like to see Chicago sold off and taken out of Illinois. [​IMG]
    #11     Jan 8, 2011
  2. You know what's funny? We've been hearing about all this Sudan bullshit. It's on Obama's radar, Obama is concerned about it, CNN is concerned about it, Cspan is concerned about it, and they think you should be too. I could really figure out why this one of 500 political upheaval that will happen this year in Africa should be of any significance to me, and why it is to them... But, something else struck me...

    Everyone thinks the S. Sudanese referendum on whether or not to secede from the oppressive north over what are basically just ideological clashes is very important. NPR is intent on telling me about the plight of the S. Sudanese and the ridicule and mistreatment the get at the hands of the Northerners, and how monumental this is, and how the O-bomb supports it, and how I should too.

    Then I started wondering, these same shut down any talk of secession here as being 'treasonous', and only talk about it with visceral contempt. Why would they support such measures in Sudan, but hatefully discourage any of that sentiment here?

    #12     Jan 9, 2011
  3. Globalist Wealth Entities (Central Banking families and certain multi-national corporations) who have already infiltrated our two party political system and many agencies of govt WANT a growing DIVIDE in America!!! How else can they keep the timid and docile masses "distracted" from what they SHOULD BE FOCUSED ON........CONTROLLING their government!!!

    EVENTS are ALWAYS USED as the fences to guide the cattle along in a "directed" path. Arizona is right in the middle of this continuing govt/corporate media lead "group think" psy op. In a state which FEELS first hand on a daily basis the PLANNED and DIRECTED illegal immigration long term op. Illegals are being ALLOWED to flood into this country to accelerate the DIVIDE within our traditional American culture. This issue and others are then used to divide political groups and parties into a "game" of a completely distracted citizenry......one that unfortunately has lost total focus on their government.

    EXPECT even more false flag events ahead......things are just getting warmed up (sad to say).
    #13     Jan 9, 2011
  4. It's because the haters see themselves as taking over the enemy, America.

    This crazy talk of secession here is ruining their visions of utopia filled with continuos poetry readings under daily rainbows as the most sought after job to have.
    #14     Jan 9, 2011