Pinterest--panic selling today?

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by projomni, Oct 15, 2019.

  1. projomni


    As the lockup expires today, the stock lost 2%... fundamentally I think Pinterest is a super-solid stock. Ad revenue could be much higher--they don't charge anywhere close to $FB. Also, I feel like there so much potential with AI-enhanced shopping... Pinterest is at the forefront. What are your thoughts? Worth buying?
  2. Garbage product, equally bad as snapchat. Both stocks will not be around in 5 years time is my prediction.

    jys78 likes this.
  3. projomni


    well, it's not for you or me. you can argue FB is equally garbage. but they're monetizing 10x better.
  4. There are worlds of differences between the two products and companies. Too long to list here.

  5. maxinger


    The problem is when you only invest, your view tends to be skewed towards positive side.
    Also you can only press BUY button first then SELL button later. You can't press SELL button first.

    Learn to trade too. Then you will be able to see +ve view, -ve view, uptrend, downtrend, no trend etc etc
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2019
  6. IAlwaysWin


    I disagree. From the standpoint of a person who dappled heavily in internet marketing for about 9 years I can tell you this. Pinterest has been around for some time now. I was using it for SEO back in 2007 before many people knew about the platform. They stay alive by syndication of content through CMS's and blogging platforms like WordPress, Joomla and many other.

    These platforms will not stop supporting Pinterest because syndication through these platform are automated if you want them to be. It's just a click of a button and you're setup.Just as long as fresh content is flowing to Pinterest, they will be in the game. Just as long as these platforms support Pinterest then it'll be around.

    Google also gives you good social SEO for Pinterest users clicking through to your site from Pinterest so I'd say that's another plus for the stock. I can see them revamping the ad platform within the next few years, if share holders voice that enough.
    projomni likes this.
  7. projomni


    That's not helpful--general statement. But dig deeper. If you're an advertiser, PINS gives you a much better bang than FB.
  8. Different target audience, different ads and advertized products. A company that only relies on ad business won't survive imo.