Physical Fitness Influences Testosterone Levels More Than Age

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Baron, Jan 29, 2019.

  1. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    As adult men age, their testosterone levels plummet, dozens of studies have concluded. But according to researchers at the American Cooper Institute, the relationship between aging and testosterone is somewhat more complex. They examined about three thousand healthy men aged 50-79 years, and found no association between age and testosterone. But they did discover that BMI and fitness do have a significant impact on the concentration of testosterone in the men's blood.

    The researchers measured the testosterone levels of their study participants in the morning. They classified a testosterone level of less than 250 nanograms per deciliter as a layer, a level of 250-399 nanograms per deciliter as normal-but-on-the-low side and a level of more than 400 nanograms per deciliter as normal.

    The researchers also removed one man from their sample because his testosterone level exceeded the 3000 nanograms per deciliter. Although the individual in question reported no medication usage, the researchers nevertheless decided not to believe him.

    The researchers had the men run on a treadmill so that they could measure their fitness. The determined their body weight as well. Then they looked if they found an association between the fitness levels of the men, their BMI, their age and their testosterone.

    Age didn't determine the men's testosterone levels. Whether the researchers looked at men aged 50-59, or men aged 60-69, or men aged 70-79, in all groups the percentage of men with low testosterone levels were somewhere between 10 and 11 percent.

    BMI and fitness did influence testosterone levels. The fitter the men were, and the lower their BMI, the higher was their testosterone level.



    "This cross-sectional study does not support the contention that testosterone decreases uniformly with aging in healthy middle-aged to elderly men", the researchers summarized. "Finding similar testosterone levels across decades of age suggests that lower testosterone is not an inevitable consequence of aging."

    "Testosterone levels were inversely associated with BMI and positively associated with fitness. This new finding of a strong association between objectively measured fitness and normal testosterone in the oldest age groups has intriguing implications."

    "Further research is needed to better understand the implications of our findings including understanding the expected testosterone levels in healthy aging, whether low testosterone levels will increase if fitness increases, and whether testosterone levels can be maintained despite excess weight and/or the presence of chronic disease in the setting of moderate to high fitness."

    Maturitas. 2018 Dec;118:1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2018.09.004. Epub 2018 Sep 29.
    iccenuol and Frederick Foresight like this.
  2. Last edited: Jan 30, 2019
  3. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    I like Clarence but he's off base on this one. The problem with his viewpoint is that he never got his Testosterone checked until he was sixty years old. It's good he's in the reference range, but the reference range varies depending on gender and age. So the only thing he really accomplished was confirming that his Testosterone is in the reference range for a male of his age.

    Had he checked his Testosterone when he was 20 and compared that number to what his levels are now, then THAT would tell the story he needed to hear. Unless he is some genetic freak whose hormone levels don't decline with age, his current T score of 483 these days is probably half of what it was in his early adult life. I've stated this before but the goal of HRT from an anti-aging and quality-of-life standpoint is to restore your hormones to the levels they were at when you were younger, not put you in the range of an average guy your age.
    Visaria likes this.
  4. iccenuol


    Interesting article. Almost a case of, 'if you don't use it you lose it'.
  5. iccenuol


    Males with depressive tendencies normally have their T levels checked. Unfortunately in older males higher T levels can lead to prostate enlargement.
  6. A fair point, but note that his T levels were even higher at age 78 than they were at 62. So I'm guessing it probably didn't fall precipitously before his first reading. But I get what you're saying.
  7. Little too much T in this dude. WTF?
  8. When the opportunity presents itself, be sure to ask Tsing Tao about his katana sword. :D
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2019