photographs of countries under socialist domination.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by zdreg, Jan 10, 2018.

  1. zdreg


  2. zdreg


    recent picture in Venezuela.

    please post more photographs, regardless of country.
  3. Ditch



    What parasitic worms in defector reveal about conditions in North Korea
  4. Ditch



  5. Ditch


  6. Jesus was a communist.
    Cuddles likes this.
  7. [​IMG]

    exGOPer and Tony Stark like this.
  8. LOL, republicant's are so stupid.
    Slartibartfast likes this.
  9. jem



    he said give unto caesar what is caesars and unto God what is God's.

    1. he told us all things are from God and God made everything so how much do you think would go to the state in his view?
    2. commies don't even let people worship God.

    Jesus was a libertarian and small govt person.
    he did not say charity begins with the state.

  10. That’s a liberal paradise.
    Nobody has jobs so there is more time to write poetry and do other stuff.
    If you get hungry, just pick up some rotten filet mignon and lobster tails off the ground that your elected leaders threw away from one of their recent banquets.
    #10     Jan 10, 2018
    Max E. and Ditch like this.