Phil Gramm

Discussion in 'Politics' started by PohPoh, Jul 10, 2008.

  1. That's it; I was going to vote for Ron Paul, but not since Gramm made those comments.

    I'm now voting for Krusty the Clown.


    #11     Jul 10, 2008
  2. True...I never understood why Romney never took off. Was it his magic morrmon underrooos or what?

    #12     Jul 10, 2008
  3. Agreed 100%.
    #13     Jul 10, 2008
  4. maxpi


    So.... do you listen to KPFK/KPFA a lot? I sent them an email saying that if the fairness doctrine gets enacted I want 12 hours a day to bash Communists.... no reply yet
    #14     Jul 10, 2008
  5. piezoe


    Pa(B)st, for a guy who claims to be a genius by his own admission, and appears to know at least something about trading, it always amazes me off off base your economics can, at times, be. You are clearly someone who has difficulty with objectivity.
    #15     Jul 10, 2008
  6. No idea what you are talking about...
    #16     Jul 10, 2008
  7. When did I claim to be a genius? Not the kind of comment I'd make. My IQ is a solid 141 but I bet 10% or more of ET is higher. Some vastly higher. OTH half this place illustrates why fools and their money are so quickly parted.

    And yea I guess I know enough about trading to have had a fun career but once again there's a few guys here who've made multiples more. I'm just deep enough to look past the bullshit. It wasn't until I stopped following conventional wisdom that I became a decent (no hubris allowed) trader.

    Most arguments by political liberals are shallow and duplicitous. I hate illogic or worst yet intellectual dishonesty. No wonder why many more chicks than guys are Democrats. Fits them to a tee.

    My neighbor for instance is one of the most over the top liberals imaginable. A Springsteen type guy. Talks up global warming with quotes like "the Indians were the last people to respect the planet"-freaks out over high gas prices, "don't you get it? Bush and his cronies are behind oil!" So here's a guy who's a. environmentally liberal b. doesn't understand that high gas prices will DECREASE our carbon footprint and c. he owns three SUV's!

    What's the CORRECT liberal take on oil? Who the fuck knows. Half the libs want gas to be $20 a gallon in order to save the planet and fund health care- the other half want it to be $1 so that they can drive cheap and in turn squash the evil oil empire. Me I just respect free markets and go with the flow.

    It's the same with the domestic economy. The OP threw out a litany of things that are at cross purposes. Markets are ying and yang. Whats good for borrowers might not be good for lenders or savers but good for asset prices ect. Hence everyone has an axe to grind. How many people who bitch about the weak dollar in turn buy German cars? Many, eh? Are they so fucking stupid to not understand it's their very own purchases contributing to the trade imbalance that CAUSES dollar weakness and American job losses? Plus the government will someday soon need to bailout GM and F pensions because the American consumer CHOSE through CHEAPNESS to fuck the American worker. Why blame yourselves as you type on your China made keyboard when you can blame "greedy business."

    The moronic media are the wise ass critics. Smart guys look in the mirror when they criticize. We all want someone else to pay for or do something we won't do for ourselves.

    Think about our own duplicity as message board posters. We're ANNONOMOUS peons-afraid to print our own precious proper names-yet we call out politicians who not only are scrutinized personally but then have to convince a majority of assholes like us to vote for them. Policy is ultimately shaped by the electorate. Look at this thread. Americans go to their shitty unproductive jobs, get paid 10x in purchasing power what some guy in Asia makes (who's maybe smarter) and then bitch about how much it cost for our Venti Latte' and gas for the Suburban. A country full of creepy, greedy, whiny, liberal bitches.
    #17     Jul 10, 2008
  8. Well, speak for yourself P..
    Starbucks is for faggots...
    I walk to my office everyday (but I'm a lucky mofo)
    and voting is the surest way to loserville...

    But when you have a 'Republican' candidate like McCain (that's funny), who admittedly knows fuck all about economics, and his economic advisor is telling the Muhrican people that they are just a bunch of 'whiners', well, he's clearly looking in his own backyard saying "Man, I got 3 SUV's, 8 10-gallon hats, and a security detail, don't everyone?

    Especially when he's more corrupt and responsible for the current situation that the average Muhrican...Him and his sponsored Enron loophole and his wife in arms on the Enron board and former head of the Gambino Futures Trading Commission..

    Me thinks he doth protest too much...
    #18     Jul 11, 2008
  9. I'll vote for McCain in a second over Obama although as a trader Obama's ineptness will create better opps.

    The "Enron loophole" isn't the reason for high oil. Look at every other commodity. Is the Enron loophole to blame for Silver or Soybeans? Hardly. In fact all one needs to do is count how many times a day they hear the phrase "commodity bubble" to know specs are short commodities up the ass and getting killed trying to auction the stuff lower lower. IMO gold will trade 1200 before it trades below 850 again....

    And yes Pohx2 SBUX is for faggots. :D
    #19     Jul 11, 2008
  10. Look - In my not so humble opine, Oil prices are about 40$ higher than they 'should be' due to the Enron Loophole..
    Throw position limits on the IB's and throw cold water in their face..
    That's the only way to bring prices down to where they should be, at about 10:1 to gold..
    Silver and soybeans are UNDERVALUED, in my not so humble opine...they are still cheap..
    But again, oil is the lynchpin...

    Bring the market down 40$..let everyone believe the non-existant bubble has burst, and that's when the real buying will start...This is just an exercise...

    Vote for whoever you want - it's an exercise in futility...
    A McCain presidency means your dollars get wasted overseas..
    An Obama presidency means your dollars get wasted at home..

    Write in Ron Paul...
    #20     Jul 11, 2008