Petition asking mrbill and others to stay away

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Mav88, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. 377OHMS


    I've always found that hard to believe and convinced myself that cgroupman was a guy who works at Bright that used a laptop or desktop that had been used by Don so his cookies were on it and the posts were made on Don's account.

    Don seems so nice and reasonable as himself that I can't bring myself to believe that he is using aliases. Maybe that is naive on my part.
    #31     Dec 17, 2012
  2. Huh?

    Just last week you were still convinced of it, even stating that mrbill probably had a Henderson, NV IP address.

    Why is it so difficult to believe that the guy who has to run the PR of a trading firm would be "so nice and reasonable", but when he isn't selling something, he would be a completely different person.

    Regardless, pspr caught him in the act. That signing on someone else's laptop is a bunch of b.s. Period.
    #32     Dec 17, 2012
  3. 377OHMS


    I do think mrbill and cgroupman are the same guy. I said that I'd bet that mrbill has a Henderson NV IP because that is where cgroupman said he lived.

    I *want* to believe that they are a guy who works at Bright but you've been very convincing that it is Don. Its not a very rational position but trust me when I say that I'm not trying to offend you just being truthful. I hope it isn't Don.

    You have to admit that those personalities are so divergent that if it is Don then it is a little scary.
    #33     Dec 17, 2012
  4. I think he's been caught like 3 times.

    Every handle has the same MO. I'm a centrist along with some lame flattery(to lure you into agreement) then immediately attacks you for being a conservative. "oh I'm sorry sometimes I fail to meet my ideals" mea culpa crap, "But you got to be nice to me cause I'm a centrist."

    or the
    "I don't have a dog in this fight I'm just here for research, I'm not taking sides".
    #34     Dec 17, 2012
  5. Mav88


    A long time ago (in a galaxy far far away) I used to hang out at a forum at this place , a site for atheists in general, but it turned out to be an interesting collection bin for all sorts.

    As you might guess, it was a magnet for leftists although there were many libertarian-types like me. That place had em all, but by far the biggest pricks in the joint were the communists. There was a rough trend, the further left you were in politics the the bigger the jerk. A little known fact is that the communists promoted Lamarkism (you can pass down characteristics you acquired in your life through your genes) since Stalin for some reason opposed standard genetics. Since there was a whole lot of evolution vs. creationism, there was also some evolution vs. lemarkism. Those debates were really acrimonious. I got a lot out of that place and I enjoyed pointing out liberalisms commonality with communism, but eventually I left. There is something really wrong with some leftist's minds, hateful and anti-reason. I'm not sure, but that board shut down and I think they played a significant role. After that experience I knew how it was that Stalin could slaughter tens of millions. Far Leftism truly is religion.

    I lurked here for a while, it was nice hanging out upstairs and reading about other traders. After a while I felt like I could not get much more out of it so I came down here. It can be fun sometimes jabbing the other guy, but there is a touch of that communist-like stench in some of these lefties. I don't miss that at all.
    #35     Dec 17, 2012
  6. maxpi


    probably the work is done for awhile and they aren't getting paid money
    #36     Dec 17, 2012
  7. Sounds like you need a longer stick, the smell is inversely proportional to it's length and just as fun.
    #37     Dec 17, 2012
  8. pspr


    Good point. We probably won't hear any more from the Occupy crowd for a couple years either. No dough for them until they are needed.
    #38     Dec 17, 2012
  9. jem


    It seems one guy goes on vacation and 5 or 6 sock puppets go on vacation too.
    #39     Dec 18, 2012
  10. lol Jem , you're missing Stu .:).
    #40     Dec 18, 2012