Peter Strzok shits on latest nothing burger

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Cuddles, Jul 12, 2018.

  1. UsualName


    Well their goal was to advance their narrative that Strzok and Paige pushed the investigation into the Trump campaign while burying the Clinton investigation.

    They failed miserably.
    #41     Jul 12, 2018
    Frederick Foresight and piezoe like this.
  2. UsualName


    I think everyone should concede Strzok and Paige have made themselves seem biased with their communications but there just isn’t any evidence either one of them acted in an unbiased manner.

    Now, what about the agents in the New York office passing info to Giuliani? That’s an investigation going on right now I have a feeling you guys are not going to like the outcome of.
    #42     Jul 12, 2018
    Frederick Foresight likes this.

    If you have any real evidence to back up this statement, please share...
    #43     Jul 12, 2018
  4. bone


    To be fair, let’s allow DOJ General Inspector Michael Horowitz to make that determination. He confirmed during his June Congressional testimony that he is investigating AS A SEPERATE MATTER whether FBI official Peter Strzok’s anti-Trump bias factored into the launch of the bureau’s Russia probe. We don’t know that yet.
    #44     Jul 12, 2018
  5. UsualName


    Yes, the indictments of Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort.
    #45     Jul 12, 2018
  6. UsualName


    I don’t know about that. Strzok said he was not under investigation by the IG today.
    #46     Jul 12, 2018
  7. bone


    #47     Jul 12, 2018
  8. Cuddles


    #48     Jul 12, 2018
    Frederick Foresight likes this.
  9. piezoe


    Actually someone who is intelligent and will speak the truth to power can be very HOT. Maybe you could improve your sex life by working to improve your intellectual capabilities.
    #49     Jul 12, 2018
  10. WeToddDid2


    You just make shit up and believe it. I think there is a term for that. It is just shocking. I see it on this board from Dems all the time.

    Rep. Goodlatte: Now, you and Ms. Page used personal phones and accounts to communicate. Have you turned over those communications to the Inspector General?

    Strzok: No, sir.
    #50     Jul 12, 2018