Peter Schiff forecasts a depression

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Buzzed, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. Econometric? Great now Skids is letting his Dr. handle go to his head. Go back to dropping F bombs and acting like a jackass, it suits you better.

    William Rennick:cool:
    USN Retired
    #21     Aug 11, 2010
  2. What do you expect after 8 years of nefarious rule by inferior republicans?

    ACT1: Elimination of all regulation to enable fraudulent derivatives growth and rampant mortgage fraud. Housing bubble was actively enabled by Bush and his republican elite to enrich themselves.

    ACT2: manufactured evidence. non-stop war and destruction of foreign lands. No bid contracts to enrich these same republican elite to "rebuild" said destroyed foreign lands

    ACT3: Open borders policy by Bush and his republican elite. Flooding America with criminals and slave labor to work in republican factories

    ACT4: massive transfer of middle class wealth to these same republican elite in the form of Bush TARP and deregulation of all financial

    ACT5: ..... and this is coming soon. Active domestic terrorism by the republican foot soldiers. You can already hear the rumblings of state secession etc.

    SOLUTION: Eliminate the evil enablers of republican evil. Make voting for a republican a capital crime.

    #22     Aug 12, 2010
  3. :D
    #23     Aug 12, 2010
  4. fhl


    The country, and the world, are awash in debt.

    How can you predict anything other than a depression?

    The timing is the only question.
    #24     Aug 12, 2010
  5. 377OHMS


    There is something seriously wrong with you.
    #25     Aug 12, 2010
  6. Eight


    It's interesting how the debt-bust cycle has repeated itself so many times in the West since the Dark Ages... not many reasons to think it won't do it again. soon even... I don't know if these idiots in charge actually believe what they say but if so, they think that hiring somebody to do nothing and get paid out of tax monies is a good thing!! I choose to believe that they actually are as stupid as they seem, impossible as that seemingly is...
    #26     Aug 12, 2010
  7. Gold is up today, even though index futures are down. Hopefully, my metal positions can regain their losses of the past few days.
    #27     Aug 12, 2010
  8. Eight


    I have my own theories about weather and economic cycles. I had the Amateur Radio hobby for decades, radio propagation is dependent on sunspot cycles, I was aware of them since the 1950's... the economic cycles follow the sunspot cycles because the solar activity generates negative ions in the atmosphere and those affect people's mood.. more ions = feeling of wellbeing and economic expansion... so currently the pessimism is very high but the sunspot cycle started up last year after an extended low... the world's economy COULD get going again for no reason that the economists or pundits will ever understand... I sort of don't care if it does or not, I can garden and I can hedge...
    #28     Aug 12, 2010
  9. we need a catalyst akin to the invention and propagation of the internet to restart the economy
    #29     Aug 12, 2010
  10. We are already in a depression. We just don't realize it because of the trillions in stimulus.
    #30     Aug 12, 2010