PETER BECK and the tale of the university kids

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by mcelitetrader, Sep 11, 2006.

  1. mcelitetrader

    mcelitetrader ET Sponsor

    Report on business is doing a bit on swiftrade on the market close......looking at university kids and 57
  2. mcelitetrader

    mcelitetrader ET Sponsor

    Sorry bout that....not quite AT market close....the show is from 5 - somwhere closer to 6 i assume

    5:00 PM ET

    SqueezePlay with Amanda Lang and Kevin O’Leary - 9/11 and the Markets: Dick Grasso, former chairman; Foreign takeovers: Mel Hurtig, former leader, National Party of Canada; Remembering 9/11: Thomas Von Essen, former commissioner, Fire Department of New York; Energy in Flux: Joseph Stanislaw, co-founder and former president and CEO, Cambridge Energy Research Associates; Campus Trading: Peter Beck, president, Swift Trade, George Polyzois, captain of U of T’s football team and student trader
  3. landboy


    I love Lang and O'Leary... in fact, they should ditch that stupid name "Squeeze Play" and just call it by their sur-names, coz without them it'd be such a dry show...

    I especially love it when O'Leary says:

    "it just goes to show you that analysts know NOTHING," and

    "I'll buy when grown men weap and blood on the streets" and

    "this thing is going to ZERO, I'll buy Fords stock once they start making cars people actually wanna buy..."

    He has that little insert at the end with picks of the day, I like the idea of "Broken Trusts" that he keeps talking about... although the O'Leary index hasn't performed all that well...
  4. It is on right now
  5. mcelitetrader

    mcelitetrader ET Sponsor

  6. so, how did the trade(s) work out? thanks
  7. at what time did it go on?
    Im trying to look it up in the archive...:D
  8. mcelitetrader

    mcelitetrader ET Sponsor

    the videos are only archived for the week.....

    Don't know where to get it now. Nothing new in the video......As always interesting though. All ex-swifties find it entertaining too see the man behind the show.