Peru free trade agreement (H.R. 3688)

Discussion in 'Economics' started by ShoeshineBoy, Dec 4, 2007.

  1. But these countries aren't going insolvent. In fact, many of their economies are better run than ours. This is no longer the early 80's.

    And many of these countries, Venezuela and Russia and Brazil for example, take no crap from the West anymore. They're now in the drivers seat more often than not.

    Again, it's a new world out there...
    #31     Dec 11, 2007
  2. this is history as in past tense. It already happened. 70s
    #32     Dec 11, 2007
  3. I really like your attitude and I do believe this. Good guy always wins in my book. you see that flic? If someone you didnt know came to your house, raped your mother and little sister, killed your father, ate all of the food in your fridge, and then locked you up in your own house so you could not escape, would you be upset? even if it was done in the name of freedom and democracy? Now, do you see what is going on with the price of oil? Did you hear of that pipeline exploding? done by chance? faulty lines? I dont think so. Oil just cant seem to make it above 100/bl and people are pissed. I just love it when someone tries to rig a market and falls flat on their face and breaks all of their teeth. In your lifetime you will see some of the biggest pricing irregularities happen as a natural and normal occurence. I wouldnt be surprised if oil went all the way back to 30/bl while the dollar goes to nothing(these companies are public anyway- what goes up must also come down- my trading philosophy). Then when other exploited countries have stronger economies and stronger currencies they just buy back all of the oil and other resources purged from their lands and even buy out the companies whcih started it all in the first place. Boy would that be funny. What is even more funny is I feel that these countries will have more compassion towards us than we had with them. The things I have learned are just terrible. Would make any normal sane person puke. What I dont understand is how we can buy up oil around the world along with refineries and companies, set up agreements to robs entire nations blind, but then when a saudi wants to buy a little amd it all of a sudden becomes a matter of national security. freetrade? right. and my biggest dream is also to be drawn by the lottery and go to "the island" to live in eternal bliss.
    #33     Dec 11, 2007
  4. But the Big Boys don't want huge price fluctuations and disruptions. They want smooth, uninterrupted trade. The kind of guys you're talking about are on the boards of Vivendi, GE, Exxon, P&G, Toyota, Siemens, etc. These guys do NOT want oil price shocks, overrunning inflation, exploding pipelines. They just want free and unlimited access and to compete on a level playing field.

    I don't deny there is occasional bribery. I don't deny the shady roll of Haliburton in Iraq. But, all that said, these guys just want to make money and you don't do that when the consumer's hands are tied up in a recession or hyperinflation or any other nasty economic scenario.
    #34     Dec 11, 2007
  5. You've got to see the Mosquito Coast before you do this. It's a Harrison Ford movie about a guy who is fed with The Man and heads to the coast to escape it all and... :)
    #35     Dec 11, 2007
  6. I swear that I had your same exact opinions, before I started really reading into everything. This was before sept 11. If they never wanted disruptions they should have never let that happen. They are doofuses. Putzes. Now everyone in the world who did not have an eye on them, do now. If I was fooled to go into battle and risk my life and my family for a barrel of oil, I would be very pissed. The thing people do not realize is they have a choice whether or not to subscribe to widely held opinion. experience tells me that everyone has not the slightest clue on anything about anything. Again, this is big business. The more you know the less I can sell you. Hitler used the same sorts of tactics and was funded by the same terrorist league. He let a bunch of terrorists loose into his neighborhoods to rape and pillage and when everyone was fed up with them he had the answer. Problem -reaction- solution. The more I look at the language and phrases he used in his speeches you will start to see much of bushs speeches are almost verbatim. It is amazing how they now want to disarm the public and these school and mall shootings seem to be popping up everywhere. More so, it seems like all of the children involved in these shootings are on some sort of anti-depressants. Making money off of healthcare puts you in a catch22 since big business does not want you to get better. I feel people deserve cures for their illnesses, permanent ones. This does not make me a commie. It is compassion. It is empathy. Do unto others as you would have done to yourself.
    #36     Dec 11, 2007
  7. Another problem with your theories is that the elite are not uniform. For example, if you look at the CFR, it is filled with hawks AND doves. There is not uniform consensus even among the ultra-powerful.

    And here's another problem: globally nation after nation from Pakistan to the Jordan to Britain to even Latin America are nabbing terrorist conspirators. Nations are scared to death of these guys and it's only through their great legwork that the world has been saved from many tragedies.

    But the bottom line is that world leaders are not giving a tacit, hush hush, wink wind nod to terrorist: they've been going after them with a vengeance.

    Do you seriously think that CEO's think they are immune from a mushroom cloud and the ensuing fallout that would spread over hundreds of miles Chernobyl-like if we were hit from a suitcase nuke? C'mon - those guys are just as scared as you and I, especially since most of them know and visit Washington and NYC and other likely targets frequently.
    #37     Dec 11, 2007
  8. Ah but they are uniform. They were all brought together under one code through Adam Weishaupt. I am talking on a completely different level. The founding fathers were not of this group but the exact anithesis of this group. They dreaded this group and created checks and balances so this group would never be able to take america from america. This group is bent on taking over the world and they will not stop until they own everything and everyone. They are not of this country and their allegiances are much older than america. They may have been born here but still this does not make them subordinate to any law of any land. They fund terrorists on both ends and matters not where they are from communist to freeman, they make sure people never ever get tired of war. This is population control for them since they have an insatiable fear of the masses. They know the masses are now waking and they are doing everything in their power to keep tabs on them and keep their control over them. Their control is not law but subliminal. Psychological. The war we face today is a psychic one. It is a war for your mind. They use tv, newspapers, mags, rumors, and yes, drugs. rfid chips is their ultimate goal and if they pull it off it will be the end of freedom as we know it. They do not look to force it on the public but seduce them into beleiving it is the best thing to do. They are already half way there. The deliberate crushing of the dollar, manipulative practices on the price of crude, and washing and dilution of public education to breed humans a tad bit more useful than animals. You need not look very far to see some of the poorest conversation amongst the educated classes of america. They call themselves empiricists and then insist on psychology being a science. But never question anything. They say well, "this is what we know" and "this is what they say" so "this is what we are supposed to be". Who is they and we and what do you say they are? Free? not so. it is only an illusion.
    #38     Dec 11, 2007
  9. If such people exist, they are hardly free either.
    #39     Dec 11, 2007
  10. There's no proof of this. Nor is there even much evidence of it.

    There is proof that there is a CFR and Trilateral Commission, so that is worth talking about. But these guys are definitely not a uniform, homogenous bunch. The cabinet members for the liberal presidents come out of the same group that the cabinet members for the conservatives come out of. However, they are exclusive - I'll grant you that - but they are certainly not uniform.
    #40     Dec 11, 2007