Person on welfare receives better insurance than me. I'm $uckin PISSED

Discussion in 'Politics' started by WhiteOut56, Oct 27, 2011.

  1. Sorry, but it's not "my kind" of people who does this. Take Lucrum for example. He blames Obama for not creating jobs. Wait, didn't you just say you cannot blame the president for stuff like this? I thought you had to blame congress?

    We call this hypocrisy. Blame the president when it suits you. Blame congress when it suits you. I just like pointing out hypocrisy when I see it. :cool:
    #51     Oct 28, 2011
  2. According to Bush, giving tax breaks to the wealthy (trickle-down) creates jobs. 10 years from inception of the Bush tax cuts, unemployment will be down half. So right now unemployment is 3%... oh wait SHOOT:p :p :p
    #52     Oct 28, 2011
  3. Max E.

    Max E.

    In case you forgot during Bush's term the unemployment was 5.5 percent or lower throughout most of his presidency, and he pulled us out of both the tech bubble and 9/11 using supply side. Reagan also pulled us back from 10% unemployment and created tremendously strong economy by cutting taxes, seems to me the only plan that has failed miserably to pull us out of a recession in the last 30 years was big government, keynesian economics.

    #53     Oct 28, 2011
  4. Max E.

    Max E.

    You clearly need to learn how to read, i repeatedly said that the president shares equal blame to the congress, when it comes to spending, but that the budget and spending comes out of congress. I can see why you are a failed trader, as you seem to lack very basic reading skills.

    #54     Oct 28, 2011
  5. Lucrum


    So do "we". Only "we" aren't cheerleaders for either party. Like you are.
    #55     Oct 28, 2011
  6. [​IMG]

    This is perfect: USA Males over 40 ? BEND-OVER. You are Un-wanted, and Un-needed. Pay your F'ing taxes and just shut-up.
    The males, despite their incredible productivity and industriousness, continue to be UNDERMINED by the minorities....women, elderly, poor.
    #56     Oct 28, 2011
  7. One day, maybe you guys will wake the fuck up and stop the in-fighting. I thought maybe the last couple of years would have shaken some of you out of this blind "party loyalty". It seems that as this country sinks into the abyss, it's still more worthwhile to argue the whole "left vs right" bullshit until the system is completely finished.

    The Democrats suck.

    The Republicans suck.

    End of story.
    #57     Oct 28, 2011
  8. Bush started with 4% unemployment and doubled it to 8% in 8 years. His record isn't that good.

    Also Reagan tripled national debt and Bush doubled national debt. Are you saying the republican keynesian ways failed to help unemployment? Then you're probably right. If not, you contradict yourself.

    Nope :cool: but keep dreaming. You mostly blame the democrats when numbers clearly show republicans are more incompetent than the democrats.
    #58     Oct 29, 2011
  9. Lucrum


    And so your delusional cheer leading continues...
    #59     Oct 29, 2011
  10. Under Bush, Unemployment was 5.26% average for the full 8 years he was in office. Obamas average is 9.3% for his 3 years in office.

    Unemployment was not 8% ever under Bush. When Obama got voted in, it was 6.8%
    #60     Oct 29, 2011