Perpetual motion tidal energy generator

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by earth_imperator, Sep 29, 2022.

  1. Isn't it possible to build a perpetual motion tidal energy generator by using the recurring tidal force between Earth and Moon?

    Such generators already get built by many companies.
    IMO this simple and cheap concept could solve all of our energy problems on Earth!
    No need for fusion or fission, nor for nuclear energy.
    Why is it not done primarily?

    See also

    Last edited: Sep 29, 2022
  2. Overnight


    Perpetual motion is impossible through physics. It can never happen. It is bunk. Stop dreaming.
  3. Sprout


    It makes a lot of sense. Most of the earth’s population is coastal. In addition gravity batteries shows promise in balancing load requirements as more of the grid is composed of renewables and require storage. There are some pilot projects repurposing abandoned coal mines.
  4. Overnight


    It is never going to happen. Perpetual motion is impossible. Stop feeding people impossible dreams of free energy, because there is no such thing!
  5. Sprout


    There is only one here who is framing this as perpetual motion.

    How long have the tides been rising and falling on the earth? Do you expect them to stop in the foreseeable future?

    As for free energy, a better frame is zero point energy. Lot’s of different domains of research show promise. From permanent magnet motors to the electrolysis of water using renewables to generate hydrogen.

    They aren’t typically what is referred to as zero point.

    Here’s a random bit of trivia. The US Army has a high mileage carburetor that was outfitted on tanks that gave them 50mpg. It was a tactical advantage that led to the defeat of Rommel in Africa during WW2. You can dig up the patent on it.

    It’s documented in “Hunt for Zero Point” by Nick Cook. Much of the book documents Operation Paperclip as well as Skunkworks and is a great read on suppressed technologies.

    You could open your mind and do some DD or continue on about perp motion isn’t possible.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2022
    vanzandt likes this.
  6. Overnight


    Zero-point energy. That's a theory I have not heard about in a long time. Why? Because it is bunk. ZPM was some BS that claimed you could get all the energy you ever needed from a cosmic string or some shit?

    Zero-point! Great scam to bilk the government out of money!

    Perpetual motion is not possible. I have been thinking about it for longer than you know, trying to break the laws of physics in my mind, like Einstein tried to do in his head when it came to his special theory of relativity.. It cannot happen.
  7. Sprout


    This reminds me of a convo with an acquaintance at a coffee shop. He’s convinced the earth is flat and no matter of “proof” can change this belief of his.
  8. vanzandt


    He is right.
    You are the king of semantics Overnight. Of course perpetual motion is impossible, but ignore the phrase "perpetual motion", and get in tune with the spirit of the bigger picture.

    The tide has been rising and falling for as long as Mother Earth has had oceans for christ sake, so yeah, while perpetual motion doesn't exist as per Newton's laws, for us mere mortals, the friggin ocean tides are a huge source of energy that have been around, and will be around, for longer than the human species will ever be.

    All that said, one of these days I will be proven right ...

    Solar energy will be beamed down.
    earth_imperator and Sprout like this.
  9. Sprout


    Electric Slide hits different now, lol, thanks for the good vibes!
  10. vanzandt


    This too was already covered...
    #10     Sep 30, 2022