Perceptions of Islam in the Christendoms

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by Nabuchodonosor, Jun 2, 2007.

  1. gblnking


    But with that flawed logic then it's completely resonable to profile and attack muslims because we don't like Islam policy.
    #41     Jun 4, 2007
  2. jem


    those "self confessed" motives are self serving - self aggrandizing bullshit. In 1998 bin laden issued a fatwa saying it was the duty of all Muslims to kill all westerners to free the mosques in Jerusalem.

    Zawahiri said all sorts of reasons for killing us. One of them being we should stop using their oil.

    you seem to be advocating that we should trust terrorists to not come up with other reasons to imbibe their taste for murder and hatred.
    #42     Jun 4, 2007
  3. You're already doing that, and is it making the US or the West a safer place?
    #43     Jun 4, 2007
  4. gblnking


    But it's your belief in this way of thought, not mine. Your the one saying that its ok to kill muslims solely based on the idea that we don't like you very much.
    #44     Jun 4, 2007
  5. I didn't say that it was "ok". What I did was explaining the motives behind the 911 attacks. And these motives don't have a great deal to do with Islam, only with US foreign policy. Thus, the "War on Terror" only increased the hatred of US foreign policy and made the US a less safer place.
    #45     Jun 4, 2007
  6. jem


    of course neither you nor unfortunately ron paul have any idea of the true motives behind the attack. what we do know is what the imams in some of the mosques are preaching and what the saudi schools are exporting.
    #46     Jun 4, 2007
  7. You don't need to explain the motives behind terror attacks, we all know that the motives are always based on their disagreement with certain policies even if these policies are legal and legitimate. And it's quite obvious to anyone that while people often disagree with policies of their own or other nations, it's only Muslims who blow up innocent civilians when they do. That's exactly why Islam is getting such a bad rap and they deserve it 100%.

    In other words, "We disagree with US foreign policy so we are justified to blow up american ships and embassies, crash planes into american buildings and kill american civilians" is a pretty accurate explanation of their mentality but it's hardly a valid excuse. Too bad even the moderate Islam supports this attitude.
    #47     Jun 4, 2007
  8. Army Pvt. Byron W. Fouty, a 19-year-old soldier from Waterford, Michigan who was kidnapped in Iraq on May 11 has been confirmed killed by the US military. He was executed on video.
    (it has not hit the wire yet)

    The religion of Peace, no less!!!
    #48     Jun 4, 2007
  9. gblnking


    Agreed. I guess that it's wrong to blame Islam when it's the Arabs that are the problem. It would go along way if the Islamic leaders would openly condem the actions of its extreme factions. But they are cowards and fear the reprisal from thier own groups.
    #49     Jun 4, 2007
  10. gblnking


    Maybe we should be dealing with the cowardly muslims a little more to the same. It would save us tax payers a few bucks.
    #50     Jun 4, 2007