"‘People’s QE?’"

Discussion in 'Economics' started by nitro, Aug 18, 2015.

  1. nitro


  2. omg... It's amazing how comfortable people are with calling themselves that .. People have just forgotten... Any Intelligent person should be able to see a correlation with socialism and ww2... They wanna leverage the value creation from capitalism to redistribute through some government investment vehicle... The crazy thing is i'm sure for certain politicians they realize centralization and socialism benefits them creating more power for them... Redistro only creates a wider gap between the have and have nots..
  3. loyek590


    "the govenment needs to invest. If you leave it to the market they won't invest."??????????????
  4. I hope your being sarcastic again haha
  5. loyek590


    yep, they don't know how to make it, but they know what to do with it after you have made it
    cdcaveman likes this.
  6. loyek590


    again, it was a quote...from the above article
    cdcaveman likes this.
  7. Banjo


    Socialist controling assets, never a good combination for the health of a nation.

    Venezuela's currency is now so worthless that people are using it as napkins


    Top 10 Countries With The World’s Biggest Oil Reserves

    South American nation Venezuela tops the list, followed closely by Saudi Arabia.

  8. piezoe


    caveman, i've thought a lot about this in recent years, I used to give capitalism a pass, but i've come around to thinking that it is wisest to look at BOTH socialism and capitalism with a jaundiced eye. Neither should be sacrosanct. It is also good to recognize that unlike water, money can trickle up as well as down.

    "Mr. Hoover didn't know that money trickles up. Give it to the poor and the rich will have it all by nightfall anyway, but at least it will have passed through the poor fellow's hands." ca. 1932, Will Rogers
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2015
  9. Your talking about keysian controlling... Trickle down economics is not free market economics is a fallacy and is not free market capitalism... I look at Socialism and capitalism as polar opposites... The more you move towards centralize price controls the more you take away individual freedom.. Piezoe you sound disenchanted...