People now hoarding their "free Obama Phones."

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Max E., Oct 16, 2012.

  1. Max E.

    Max E.

    Another government program hits the mark, program already went from costing 1 million in baltimore to costing 24 million in baltimore, and people are bragging about hoarding phones and trading them to dealers for drugs. Imagine how much more productive the country could be if some of these people spent as much time looking for legitimate work as they do figuring out ways to scam tax payers, and scam the government for free shit.

    Go Obama!!!

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  2. Max E.

    Max E.

    No doubt the solution to this will be to create another 25 million dollar bureaucracy to monitor the cell phones, thus bringing the yearly cost of a program which was supposed to cost 1 million dollars to a grand total of 50 million dollars within a couple years.....
  3. Why do they need so many phones for anyway? madness..
  4. pspr


    We should bill Obama for the free phones.
  5. You even have to ASK that question?

    Put your "thinking cap" on.
  6. Max E.

    Max E.

    They may as well be handing out free money, think about it they are giving away phones loaded with minutes, you know how many people in the ghetto cant get a cell phone by signing up cause they have burned all of the different service providers?
  7. I still have tons of used phones around in pretty good working condition. Those damn cellphone companies keep giving me new phones. If you need one, just tell me and I will post one to you, most are Nokias..... you will have to pay for postage though.....
  8. Max E.

    Max E.

    They may as well be handing out free money, think about it they are giving away phones loaded with minutes, you know how many people in the ghetto cant get a cell phone by signing up cause they have burned all of the different service providers? There is a ton of people in the ghetto who live off those phones you buy at 7/11 and load the minutes onto them with a calling card. These people get them free, then sell them for half of what 7/11 is selling them for.

    plus for dealers it leaves no papertrails.
  9. exactly max. the fed govt creates problems by starting these foolish social programs and then when taxpayers bitch about fraud and abuse (rightfully so) the govt says "we don't have enough manpower to manage this" and just like that we get fresh new bureaucracy. Let's use the SEC for example, they stop an estimated 1% of insider trading (lol) and can't sniff out schemes like madoff even right in front of their face. Their excuse is ALWAYS "we don't have enough funding/resources" etc.. now their budget is what a BILLION dollars/year and what do taxpayers get out of it? what a waste of fucking money.
  10. There's a neverending demand for phones NOT in their name. Better yet, in nobody's name. I'm sure the guys taking those phones in for drugs go thru about a dozen of them a month.
    #10     Oct 17, 2012