People Get Vicious over Money

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by smallStops, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. Personally, I have observed how dangerous and vicious people can become when they ear about serious money.
    Traders deal with this raw material - money. So sooner or later they come to realize how money can impact relationships. That may be why the subject is avoided. And if one wants to know the reality of any relationship, clearly showing your money upfront is not going to help get clarity about the real basis of these relationships (be their friendships, intimate, etc).
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2017
  2. The hate and trouble Is all about people having a bad relationship with money. Maybe your parents told you easy money is bad, or you need to labor for your daily bread. So money made in the market apoears fast or easy so winning folks feel guilty

    Then there are the vast majority of losers and ne'erdowells attracted to the market. They are angry and lash out at anyone/thing for any reason.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2017
  3. Zzzz1


    Just replying to your post not wanting to change the topic of the thread, but I tend to disagree. Those who were taught that any way, morally right or not, greedy or not, is good as long as it leads to more dough are the problematic individuals in our society today and who cause most harm to themselves and others. I think those who were raised with an awareness that there is something suspicious about "easy money" are generally vindicated. Trading is not easy money if you think so then I honestly don't believe you are career profitable. It's a grind, it's stressful at times, and only those with a massive passion to solve puzzles that change every single day will survive. Easy money is in fact most often correlating with either immoral, illegal, or otherwise unethical behavior. The only exception I know of would be a lottery win (abd it's arguably not easy as well) . Generally money is valued at a very fair and instantaneous market agreed price, meaning money is earned in exchange for an equivalent amount of "labor", whether it be physical or brain work. Rarely are inefficiencies to be garnered.

  4. It is "believed" to be easy money. Perception often has more influence than reality.
