Pentagon employees right here on ET

Discussion in 'Politics' started by harmless, Feb 27, 2007.

  1. watch this zapruder clip and tell me why the AMA felt it necessary to come out and support the lone NUTJOB theory. beam me up boberk.
    #51     Mar 3, 2007
  2. #52     Mar 3, 2007
  3. #53     Mar 3, 2007
  4. :D :D :D

    The fantasy world that these kooks live in is becoming scary.:eek: :eek:

    I think I shold tell Zogxoff I want to be teleported back to the home planet now....:p
    #54     Mar 3, 2007
  5. this coming from an iron worker expert that turns out to have worked on his chopper!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am not making this up folks.
    #55     Mar 3, 2007
  6. And your point is ?????

    That I have more knowledge than you on certain subjects ?

    Tell you what, don't take my word for it re: the pictures of the cut WTC columns with the fireman standing in front. Print the photo and take it to a welding shop and ask if that cut can be made with a cutting torch.

    Simple as that, you'll get your answer. Don't be scared to learn the truth Rat, that's your goal, remember....
    #56     Mar 3, 2007
  7. Once again, I applaud you for your willingness to see things as they are sans blinders. So there is a kind of solidarity - a parable - between our objectives. You see 911 as an inside job. I see the entire world as an inside job. You are attacked and ridiculed for your position. I seem to be ridiculed and attacked for my position...etc. So I feel inclined to bless you.

    One must transcend the ego to see the parable.

    This is the ego's world. The ego is insane. What does that say about the world? If u wanna challenge the ego, u gotta be prepared to give up attack r-e-l-e-n-t-l-e-s-s-l-y. In fact, if u r not ready to give up the ego and stop trashing, then reality is not for u.

    If the objective is to make a better world to live in, I can show you the way. Even then, it is not permanent. Your objective is to leave this world - and all perceptions - behind...because it's not your home.

    The ego would trap you here forever by making problems which perpetuate themselves. If you go about solving problems with the ego's guidance, you will continue to be trapped in such a world, lucky to have a brief moment of temporary respite. That is all you can expect when guilt is thought to be real, and shifted about like a hot potato.

    There is no end to problems until belief in guilt is ended. For as soon as you think you've made a better world for everyone to live in, everyone still "dies". That is the ego's goal. What kind of better world is that?

    Death is your "911" wake up call. Why is there so much conspiracy surrounding it? Why are you accepting it? Why the silence? Is there really such thing as "natural" death? Who is putting out this kind of propaganda? Who are the paid shills for death?

    To avoid the ego's trap, you want to beware of how guilt is projected onto others - scapegoats. The trap is set whether you care who pulled the trigger or not. It is set more subtly when you think you've got the triggerman...for you cannot see that you are still projecting guilt!

    Every "body" in this world is here because an aspect of mind felt guilty. You can't be "in" a body unless you harbored guilt in the deep recesses of your unconscious mind. That is why all attempts to find scapegoats are the projection of guilt. It is more socially acceptable to find "guilty" scapegoats, ie. triggermen, liars, paid shills, conspirators. It may make you feel better temporarily, but the gnawing feelings will continue to haunt you.

    Every body who harbors guilt feels like a goat about to be sacrificed to death, hence the need for a scapegoat. That is why those who harbor guilt see my actions as a sacrifice. Those who do not see sacrifice as needed realize it is their own holiness that saves them. Holiness is not earned or developed. It is intrinsic to your true state of being, and is unchangeable by any "fact" or circumstance.

    At this juncture, forgiveness is required to see your own holiness. You can start by forgiving me my long posts.

    #57     Mar 3, 2007
  8. harmless


    this post is for Jesus only, others don't bother responding, cause most of you have no freaking idea about any of this

    Jesus, here we go

    I have ability sometimes to influence environment without physical contact, now before your religious therefore trapped mind classifies that as demonic power

    hear me out Mr. Philosopher

    I read a lot, so it is only normal that I would know also about paranormal phenomena, psycho kinesis, so called ghosts, UFOs, remote viewing etc.

    well I gave it a try, and yes I can influence electronic things like mouse and keyboard without touching it.

    it takes work to do it, and its not constructive enough to actually be useful

    I am heavily leaning towards flexible to perhaps fake reality as what we live in.

    not to even mention human conciseness project.

    my question to you dear Jesus is

    what do you make of my ability (all can do it if effort is made)
    to influence environment without physical contact

    I do not know, and I severely disbelieve that you know either

    but lets see what you think.
    #58     Mar 3, 2007
  9. I said you can move mountains because...[make sure you are sitting down for this] are holding mountains in place by mental processes that I sometimes call faith. So I am crediting you with more power than you are currently aware of.

    But love is where you find the power for extraordinary shifting around of form. Love is what you are in your naturally created state, so it's not surprising you could move a mouse. While love has no opposite, fear is the closest idea to it's opposite. Fear is actually closely related to doubt, which is relative to divided allegiances. That is, fear is a vibration the mind sets up when it is split between reality and illusion...going back and forth at rapid speed. Because the two don't mix, the experience is of illusion until one seeks wholeness of mind. With wholeness, love commands with authority. Fear's power is limited by a mind that is actually battling with itself and has brought itself to a stalemate...hence the weakness. Nevertheless, all that you see is a product of faith within an environment of fear. In other words, you are looking at "solid" fear.

    Love is able to shift the form that makes up fear easily. But any time you unify your mind with a single focus, you can see examples of your power, because a unified mind beats a divided mind any day. You will find that when you unify, you have influence. Thus, those bending forks temporarily unify with the fork. Those moving storm clouds unify with the storm clouds...etc. These are steps toward holiness, total unification...rather, the awareness and acceptance of it. Consciousness projects have influence because of the acceptance of united minds.

    When I use the word faith, you should always precede it with the word desire, because desire precedes faith. Thus, you can safely conclude that everything you see is what you want to see, effortlessly constructed in your mind.

    It is said that there are three great mysteries in life. For the fish it's the water. For the bird it's the air. For man it is himself. This is to say, that when you think you are looking "out", you are actually looking "in". Those who realize they are looking "in" are looking within, from one viewpoint. The images you hold in your mind are just as valid/invalid as the one's you "see" outside. This is the secret to mental imagery - "mental pictures" - how they bring about effects. At any given moment, you can safely say that what you are thinking about is what you want. That being said, most of man's mental imagery is meaningless, and lacking power without focus. Even with focus, limitation is experienced.

    What is fearful then, is the realization that your mind is making powerful decisions from a level not in your daily awareness. It is making decisions based on the fear and guilt it feels. And it is frightening to learn that it is just as likely to take out it's frustrations on your body as any other body. This fear is constantly being suppressed in one way or another at the body level, without complete success. The amount of fear seething underneath the surface is many times greater than at the bodily level. The body, then, makes a convenient buffer for the guilty mind. In fact, it is the product of a guilty mind.

    Once again, the mind you are part of is powerful beyond limit. But when it divides it's loyalties between truth and illusion, it generates fear, doubt, perception. At one level it is able to generate a "big bang" resulting in time, space and form. As it disperses and separates, each part seems to grab as much power as it can from every other part, from a limited or diminishing supply of power...relative to fear levels.

    Mind you, energy is thought, and fearful thought causes stalemates...a kind of stasis, or limited supply. By the time you get to the form of a body, your power seems utterly shunted...for it is the symbol of utter separation and disunity...each body claiming a very small, private part of the whole mind for it's own. There is no real power in disunity. Yet you can still move a mouse with some unified efforts. This is not different from having a lucid dream, and moving about characters/events/circumstances in your dream.

    No doubt, I temporarily raise fear levels when I describe how utterly self-decieved is man. For this reason, I am temporarily shunned, as sheeple retreat to their comfort zone defenses. Miracles are plentiful and available, but my co-conspirators and I are sensitive to fear levels, not willing to elevate them without consent. Fear, like your horror movies, is a much loved creation. Economies are run by it. Governments thrive on it. Why should we disturb your desired outcomes?

    The good news is that fear is generated by a mind going back and forth between two wills. And because one will is fake, and the other real, the real will is going to win out over time. The fake will I call the "ego"...and it's "will" is nothing more than wishes, fancies, fetishes and demands. It was made up by a fearful mind before time and space. And all of time and space is it's product...bodies being it's crowning achievement.

    #59     Mar 4, 2007
  10. The ego seems to have a life of it's own, literally living on borrowed time. It will do whatever it takes to extend it's lifespan. When it harbors itself in bodies, it virtually insured it's parasitical existence, replacing eternity with time/forever. It has been how many millions of years? ...and those identifying with bodies are still utterly confused, because the body itself is a deception device. It's eyes do not really see. It's ears do not really hear. It's skin does not really feel. It does not really have orgasms. All of this is mind-generated and made to look as if the body is feeling, seeing, hearing, tasting, thinking. It is told it was made by "God", making it legitimate and socially acceptable. Even more, it is told that it is made in the image of God! Now fear must rule, for if the body is real, and this is it's origin, then God must be insane. What is insane is the ego, which attempts to replace God in the awareness of weakened minds. You see with the bodies eyes but 5% of the egos universe, the rest held just beyond your mental reach, designed to keep you seeking forever the cause of it, so long as you look externally.

    You now have an idea of the insidiousness of the ego, shared by all who identify with it in some way. Bodies are evidence that you have already identified with it, letting it use your mind power to make a body for you. Like each part of the ego, every body seeks to be unique, different, special, more or less this or that...etc. It's ideas are all upside down and backwards from reality, and everything in the universe is symbolic of it's expression, both the "good" and the "bad". Perhaps you enjoy trees, but they too are expressions of separation and uniqueness, their roots competing with everything around them for limited supplies of sunlight, carbon monoxide, water, space...etc...only to die off eventually. For everything dies in the egos world, and you accept this as "natural", or, the will of God!

    Are your fear levels rising as I describe this? Does this make you angry? Now you can understand why some wanted to crucify me, though I was harmless toward all. Personified, the ego is the proverbial "devil", or "Satan". Nevertheless, personification does not make it real. It is the voice for what you want, chattering away in your head. You lend your mind power to it's ideas, just for fun, or just for the hell of it.

    Temptation is simply anything that would convince you that the body is real. Basically, everything you do is relative to this goal. You can't put on a pair of glasses without participating in black magic. Why? Because the eyes do not really see. Any degradation in sight is a trick of the mind. Any improvement is a trick of the mind as well. And if you make the body real with just so much magic, you will kill it. And that is the goal of the ego for each body. You may have heard from some comedian, "Jesus is Magic". But I say to you, the body is magic. How could you limit the limitless except by some kind of "magic"?

    So the body is a limitation on love. It is an attempt at 'divide and conquer', for it is the symbol of separation, and a disruption to communication. Psychic phenomenon shows that the body cannot ultimately block communication. Minds continue to communicate. They communicate regardless of awareness, making secret compacts with each other - conspiracies - and stuffing them under the level of awareness. This is like mutual hypnosis.

    When you open your mind, and renounce the idea of private thoughts...when you allow your thoughts to enter the 'public domain', the thoughts of the public domain are allowed to enter your awareness. The body is able to show health and eternal life when it is converted from a communication blocking device, to a communication device, devoted to truth. It communicates by informing other 'bodies' that they are not bodies, and instead offers and accepts joining of mind. Each offer that is accepted increases the power of both, moving in the direction of perfect Oneness. Herein is your strength and confidence increased.

    So psychic phenomenon witnesses to an underlying reality and can be a step in the direction of freedom if you let it lead you toward truth. For it is the mind that is held hostage to the ego.

    I am glad you can move a mouse. I'm accepting applications for a mountain moving crew. Mind you, any form you move is in the ego's domain. Move it with love, and you mimic creation. Move it with fear and you mimic miscreation...and will miscreate. Love is "new wine". When put into old wineskins (form), it can cause old patterns to break up and burst. This is the essence of a miracle. The miracles that I performed, you can too, and greater things yet. So keep practicing forgiveness!

    #60     Mar 4, 2007