Pedophile Reinstated by the Teachers Union strikes again.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Max E., Apr 22, 2012.

  1. yes, its amazing you bring up hostel which actually fictitiously describes the group of people who partake in this sort of thing. Yes, hostel and places like it are real, and there are many other movies like "eyes wide shut" starring tom cruise that explain these elite circles that enjoy this sort of thing. Hollywood makes these tongue in cheek movies in order to dramatize and fictionalize what is really taking place just so these people and others can use to debunk any "conspiracy theories" and make them so fantastic that no one would ever believe anyone coming out into the light and on to the world stage looking to expose these criminals. Think "a beautiful mind" or "manchurian candidate" and "the bourne identity" . The bourne identity describes mind controlled slave subverted through a manufactured DID(disociative identity disorder) formerly known as multiple personality disorder a disorder which is harnessed through psychological technology and a process which fragments the mind into thousands of files which may contain anything the handlers put into them. Much like programming a computer they can manufacture people to serve, commit crimes, and completely have whatever they have done wiped from their memories. this research has predated auschwitz but must have been completed there.

    These people are nazis of yesterday, the neo-cons of today, and they have many other names and organizations. The nazis themselves were a front and cover for the top , illuminati, which itself is a cover for the Jesuits. Hitler did not make up what many believe to be his own ideologies. Dietrich Eckardt of the Thule Society and Karl Haushoffer of the Vril Society were young Adolfs handlers. Thousands of these criminals were imported to the US, argentina, brazil, chile, and panama under operation paperclip. The then OSS became the now CIA. They have been here ever since. This is not theory, but documented.
    #41     Apr 23, 2012
  2. Still absolutely NO outrage from future cunts about the pedophile and the system that supported him...
    #42     Apr 23, 2012

  3. And the moon landing was faked by Hollywood.
    #43     Apr 23, 2012
  4. I am soooo glad you brought this up, you quacks all sound the same you pedophile deniers.

    just listen to Jay Inslee, you sound just like him.... this is the most unintelligible pos on the panel. we can all see who the idiot is here. You all seem to have the same rebuttal book.


    again who, just who is the true american here? you guessed it.. REP. STEVE SCALISE = my man what a denier.. Im a denier , a global warming denier and proud of it.

    #44     Apr 23, 2012
  5. Lucrum


    That's because they support the unions NO MATTER WHAT.
    #45     Apr 23, 2012

  6. What?

    I have some aluminum foil for you. And have you heard about the chemtrails? :eek:
    You're an AGW denier? Why am I not surprised. Only ignorant morons and ideologically deluded idiots are still deniers.

    BTW, I don't watch videos for my facts. When someone puts one up I never look at it. Unlike some people, I can actually read.
    #46     Apr 23, 2012
  7. 377OHMS


    Keep working on your delivery. You're challenging Gabs for the position of #1 jackoff in P&R.
    #47     Apr 23, 2012
  8. Not too sure about this but...

    who hired the teacher? The union? I don't think the union hires the teacher.

    so whoever hired the teacher sends the new employee off to work for the union, is it the unions job to determine if the employee is suitable for the job he was hired for?

    Does the union set the qualifications for the job?

    I don't know.

    If HR hires a mental defect, the unions job is to protect the mental defective employee.
    #48     Apr 23, 2012
  9. what i am trying to say is you, the neo-cons, the gw democrats, the socialists, fabians, khazars, the communitarians, the zionists, nazis all have the same rebuttal textbook. why dont you all write some new stuff?
    #49     Apr 23, 2012
  10. Whoa....the khazars ? Cool. Who the hell are they?

    But what about the chemtrails?

    What am I rebutting again?

    Oh, that's right, the idea that you're sane.
    #50     Apr 23, 2012