Peak Water

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by wildfirepow, Sep 5, 2009.

  1. Lets not forget that the water that we use to water our lawns most of it goes into the ground. Lots of water in the ground which means lots of wells can be dug. That water does not just disappear, its down there streaming along. The reason all these lakes run dry is because the water companies get their water from that one source then sell it to you. Its much harder for them to locate all the underground water supplies AND build resources to pull that water out to sell back to you only to have to build another plant to pull the water out every time.
    #11     Sep 5, 2009
  2. Peak water is a wrong definition

    As long as 3/4 of the world is covered with water, we have no water problem. There is a simple technology that can convert sea water to drinkable water. But it is expensive

    The issue is not peak water

    The issue is peak cheap water
    #12     Sep 6, 2009
  3. Lethn


    Am I the only one who just thinks this is the exact same kind of bullsh*t logic extremist vegetarians or charities use to scare you away from the idea of being rich or eating meat?

    I'm no right wing nut-job who thinks the idea of global warming is fake ( Though it needs more research instead of propaganda pandering ) but I'm certainly more realistic when it comes to this kind of thing in that I don't see how taking a few gallons of water and dumping it on someone is going to help. The same with all this stuff about cleaning our highways or doing other pointless repetitive tasks.

    The people who cause the problems in the first place ARE the problem, so we need to actually go out and find out why they are doing this and put a stop to it at the source. One good thing I will mention about this recession for instance is that it's actually forced everyone to be far more efficient when before we were doing ridiculous things like selling pasta bags that could feed four people but never selling portions designed for one.
    #13     Sep 6, 2009
  4. Banjo


    Re: expense, there are some recent developments.
    #14     Sep 6, 2009
  5. difficult to trade...

    Suez has a water business, I think, but it's a tough business. many places where they've taken over the water utility they've been kicked out after modernizing eevrything.

    I think water will become by far the most fought over resource ever. it'll make oil driven geopolitics seem like kindergarden.

    It's just too much of an absolute necessity. I don't think any country will put utself at the mercy of a for profit corporation that controls its water.

    no exxon mobil of water. wont happen.

    like "peak air." lol. just like we think air belongs everyone, mosy people think water belongs to everyone.
    #15     Sep 6, 2009
  6. The problem is "peak world population" and not "peak water".

    Mother Earth does not have the resources to support 7 billion people/ population.
    #16     Sep 7, 2009
  7. lrm21


    whaa.. is this 1975?? Did I fall down a wormhole cmon.

    Did you know 70% of the planet is..water.

    Waiting for the post on the coming Ice Age.

    seriously can but a ban on the TEOTWAWKI posts
    #17     Sep 7, 2009
  8. m22au


    #18     Jan 20, 2010
  9. morganist

    morganist Guest

    #19     Jan 20, 2010
  10. 1978 Thomas Malthus claimed peek population of course he was proven wrong by the spectacular growth of civilization. His essay on the principle of population lacked accounting for advances in technology and science.

    oh wait I for got this time it's different

    water evaporating into the air is recycled back through rain

    water soaking into the ground as in golf courses end up in the water table
    #20     Jan 20, 2010