Peak-Valley Algorithm

Discussion in 'Automated Trading' started by frostengine, Jul 2, 2008.

  1. NinjaTrader_Ray

    NinjaTrader_Ray ET Sponsor

    I coded an automatic trend line detection indicator for NinjaTrader months back that uses swing highs/lows to determines the swing points that creates a peak or valley and uses these points to draw a trend line.

    Here is the main logic. The actual indicator can be downloaded from our support forum in our NinjaScript File Sharing section.

    protected override void OnBarUpdate()
    			signal = 0;
    			// Calculate up trend line
    			int upTrendStartBarsAgo		= 0;
    			int upTrendEndBarsAgo 		= 0;
    			int upTrendOccurence 		= 1;
    			while (Low[upTrendEndBarsAgo] <= Low[upTrendStartBarsAgo])
    				upTrendStartBarsAgo 	= Swing(Strength).SwingLowBar(0, upTrendOccurence + 1, CurrentBar);
    				upTrendEndBarsAgo 		= Swing(Strength).SwingLowBar(0, upTrendOccurence, CurrentBar);
    				if (upTrendStartBarsAgo < 0 || upTrendEndBarsAgo < 0)
    			// Calculate down trend line	
    			int downTrendStartBarsAgo	= 0;
    			int downTrendEndBarsAgo 	= 0;
    			int downTrendOccurence 		= 1;
    			while (High[downTrendEndBarsAgo] >= High[downTrendStartBarsAgo])
    				downTrendStartBarsAgo 		= Swing(Strength).SwingHighBar(0, downTrendOccurence + 1, CurrentBar);
    				downTrendEndBarsAgo 		= Swing(Strength).SwingHighBar(0, downTrendOccurence, CurrentBar);
    				if (downTrendStartBarsAgo < 0 || downTrendEndBarsAgo < 0)
    			// Always clear out arrows that mark trend line breaks
    			// We have found an uptrend and the uptrend is the current trend
    			if (upTrendStartBarsAgo > 0 && upTrendEndBarsAgo > 0 && upTrendStartBarsAgo < downTrendStartBarsAgo)
    				// Reset the alert if required
    				if (triggerBarIndex != CurrentBar - upTrendEndBarsAgo)
    					triggerBarIndex = 0;
    				double startBarPrice 	= Low[upTrendStartBarsAgo];
    				double endBarPrice 		= Low[upTrendEndBarsAgo];
    				double changePerBar 	= (endBarPrice - startBarPrice) / (Math.Abs(upTrendEndBarsAgo - upTrendStartBarsAgo));
    				// Draw the up trend line
    				DrawRay("UpTrendLine", upTrendStartBarsAgo, startBarPrice, upTrendEndBarsAgo, endBarPrice, UpTrendColor, DashStyle.Solid, LineWidth);
    				// Check for an uptrend line break
    				for (int barsAgo = upTrendEndBarsAgo - 1; barsAgo >= 0; barsAgo--) 
    					if (Close[barsAgo] < endBarPrice + (Math.Abs(upTrendEndBarsAgo - barsAgo) * changePerBar))
    						DrawArrowDown("UpTrendBreak", barsAgo, High[barsAgo] + TickSize, Color.Blue);
    						// Set the signal only if the break is on the right most bar
    						if (barsAgo == 0)
    							signal = 2;
    						// Alert will only trigger in real-time
    						if (AlertOnBreak && triggerBarIndex == 0)
    							triggerBarIndex = CurrentBar - upTrendEndBarsAgo;
    							Alert("Alert", Priority.High, "Up trend line broken", "Alert2.wav", 100000, Color.Black, Color.Red);
    			// We have found a downtrend and the downtrend is the current trend
    			else if (downTrendStartBarsAgo > 0 && downTrendEndBarsAgo > 0  && upTrendStartBarsAgo > downTrendStartBarsAgo)
    				// Reset the alert if required
    				if (triggerBarIndex != CurrentBar - downTrendEndBarsAgo)
    					triggerBarIndex = 0;
    				double startBarPrice 	= High[downTrendStartBarsAgo];
    				double endBarPrice 		= High[downTrendEndBarsAgo];
    				double changePerBar 	= (endBarPrice - startBarPrice) / (Math.Abs(downTrendEndBarsAgo - downTrendStartBarsAgo));
    				// Draw the down trend line
    				DrawRay("DownTrendLine", downTrendStartBarsAgo, startBarPrice, downTrendEndBarsAgo, endBarPrice, DownTrendColor, DashStyle.Solid, LineWidth);
    				// Check for a down trend line break
    				for (int barsAgo = downTrendEndBarsAgo - 1; barsAgo >= 0; barsAgo--) 
    					if (Close[barsAgo] > endBarPrice + (Math.Abs(downTrendEndBarsAgo - barsAgo) * changePerBar))
    						DrawArrowUp("DownTrendBreak", barsAgo, Low[barsAgo] - TickSize, Color.Blue);
    						// Set the signal only if the break is on the right most bar
    						if (barsAgo == 0)
    							signal = 1;
    						// Alert will only trigger in real-time
    						if (AlertOnBreak && triggerBarIndex == 0)
    							triggerBarIndex = CurrentBar - downTrendEndBarsAgo;
    							Alert("Alert", Priority.High, "Down trend line broken", "Alert2.wav", 100000, Color.Black, Color.Green);
    #11     Jul 3, 2008