Paul Volcker, a believer in sound money, has passed away.

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by zdreg, Dec 9, 2019.

  1. zdreg


  2. the independence of the federal reserve, fudicial or legal system is no longer 'independent' from political pressure, back in his day, what Trump is doing now would be illegal and called market manipulation. same with pressuring the fed to lend cheap money to the fraud financial systems and corrupt pensions forced to buy inflated worthless stock and transfer money from the public to billionaires who don't need the money. These people even have the audaucity to force China to let them in the financial system in China, gambling is ILLEGAL in China. and the stock market is the way people can gamble.

    conflict of interest violations, Trump and many people have vested interest in the stock market ponzi scheme to keep going up. why, people buy when the market is tanking and sell. that is what happens in a ponzi scheme.

    and for the dumb question to Pelosi about hating Trump. lots of people HATE trump okay and lots of hate towards China too.

    that is reality. hate leads to murder and war that is why hate is discouraged in any public discourse. well the journalist is troll or trouble by asking this rhetorical questions and the news media in the US is now mostly tabloid driven manipulated news to get more ad revenues. etc. or paid news. someone paid the journalist to ask the dumb question.

    the journalist was PAID to ask the rhetorical question about Pelosi if she hates trump. she fell for the question and it's news now.
  3. wrbtrader


    comagnum and murray t turtle like this.
  4. %%
    He sure put the skids on silver specs/ big Bunker Bros Hunt buying LOL. As far as any kind of political pressure from free market, king Pres Ronald Reagan = nonsense.WHEN the NYT hates you/Reagan/Greenspan for not ''doing something about 1987 crash'' - that proves my point; the media still hates Ronald Reagan..............................................................................................Thanks
    comagnum likes this.
  5. RedDuke


    RIP! He was a great person.
  6. comagnum


    Paul Volcker had always said that the Feds role is to take away the punch bowel when the party starts getting really good. We are in an era where the Fed keeps spiking the punch bowel, seems like they got drunk on it themselves & will do anything to keep the party going.
    RedDuke, murray t turtle and zdreg like this.
  7. sprstpd


    Volcker set the stage for low inflation, high growth, and a booming stock market. The current fed has set us up for high inflation, low growth, an underperforming stock market, and the end of the US dollar as the world reserve currency. RIP Volcker.
    comagnum, RedDuke and zdreg like this.