Paul second in fourth quarter fundraising

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AK Forty Seven, Jan 7, 2012.


    Ron Paul Raises $13 Million, Has Long-Term Strategy

    Ron Paul is raising big bucks. Other than Mitt Romney, no candidate has more resources now to wage a drawn-out campaign.

    The Ron Paul campaign reports raising $13 million for the fourth quarter of 2012.

    Not all the campaigns have released 4Q numbers yet, but the only one likely to surpass that will be the Romney campaign, which has said it raised more than $20 million.

    In addition to buying TV time in N.H. and S.C., the Paul campaign also tells me they have already spent money on direct mail in L.A., N.V., M.E., C.O., W.A., N.D. And he and Romney are the only candidates who will be on all the ballots. They clearly have a delegate-accumulation strategy designed to create a stir at the Republican Convention in Tampa at the very least.
  2. Sounds like Ron Paul is going to be a factor in this race, much to the chagrin of the GOP establishment.
  3. He has to win DAS. He must win. A factor will not do. He is too old to run again.