Paul Ryan giving serious thought to jumping in

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Maverick74, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. Illum


    Numbers don't lie, and this isnt party based b.s. This is establishment we are talking about. They keep saying how tea-party is dying, paaalease. They can't find anyone who can pull away from Ron Paul, who has no money or exposure. The "republicans" would run Chairman Mao if they could get votes. Ron Paul will tear Washington apart and they know Obama is toast. If they are so "happy" it is strange to see new candidates popping up after these first little competitions are showing Ron Paul. And he can catch on like wildfire. Washington has a problem. They'd take Perry and be happy, but he can't do it either.
    #11     Aug 16, 2011
  2. cstfx


    No biggie. Either way, both old enough, Constitutionally, that is.
    #12     Aug 16, 2011
  3. Maverick74


    He does look 22 though. He better wait about 10 years or grow a beard or something. No way we elect a guy that looks like a kid.
    #13     Aug 16, 2011
  4. Lucrum


    Seems like I saw a poll recently indicating republican voters were generally unhappy with the republican field so far.
    #14     Aug 16, 2011
  5. Max E.

    Max E.

    Im disappointed in the field insofar as i want a person who is not another politician, willing to say or do whatever they need in order to get elected, both Perry and Romney seem like those types of guys, as they have changed gears tons of times in the past when it was politically beneficial. However they also have a good economic background so its 50/50. My choice for someone who could actually win, who doesnt play politics would be Christie, but he isnt running, i also like Marco Rubio, but hes to young to be president. I would love to See Ron Paul win, but sadly he has no chance.

    Bottom line is that there isnt a person who is currently in the primary who wouldnt do a far better job then Obama. Unfortunately we are stuck in the same position it always seems we are win, where we are forced to vote for someone who is "better" as opposed to someone who is actually really good.

    #15     Aug 16, 2011
  6. How is it that we end up with people who can't do the job? My hypothesis is that we always end up with somebody worse than the previous guy.
    #16     Aug 16, 2011
  7. pspr


    #17     Aug 16, 2011
  8. Max E.

    Max E.

    I agree, basically since Reagan we have ended up with someone worse than the previous person every time, Clinton was better than Bush Sr. but then Bush jr. was far worse than clinton, and Obama is far worse than Bush.

    In the last 20 years we really havent had a choice of voting for someone who would actually make a really good president, as opposed to just voting in someone who we think is "better" than the other guy who is completely incompetent.
    #18     Aug 16, 2011
  9. Max E.

    Max E.

    I sure hope it is impossible to get worse than Obama, may god have mercy on our souls if the next guy is actually worse.
    #19     Aug 16, 2011