Paul Krugman: Jim Rogers Has Never Been Right About Anything

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Debaser82, Nov 5, 2010.

  1. lol:D
    #11     Nov 5, 2010
  2. :D

    OK now I see the value. There is nothing like a good Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles analogy to make me see the light!
    #12     Nov 5, 2010
  3. Some funny comments on the fued:

    Yeah, that guy's awful - think that bow tie is cutting off circulation to his remaining neurons


    - More grunting from the trolls. Inflation bad! Weak dollar bad! Me think Krugman wrong!

    The only problem for the trolls is the fact that Krugman consistently puts his reputation where his mouth is, and he is consistently right.


    - Rogers is ignorant about economics. When he says the US is the most indebted country in history, he just continues to repeat the zombie lie. And his views on inflation are just ridiculous. I wish we had a better press, so idiots like this would never get a forum for their stupidity.


    - Jim Rogers once called Krugman an idiot. So we know Rogers has been right about at least one thing.


    - Never trust a bozo who wears ties like that and tries to get on tv all the time. What an idiot.

    - Sorry, but Soros made all the money when Jimmy and George were partners. George Soros is the financial genius, not Jimmy Rogers.

    - They need to stop giving the Nobel prize for economics. It's a joke - the winners have a worse track record than Heisman winning quarterbacks do in the NFL.

    Aah don't you just love the internet...:)
    #13     Nov 5, 2010
  4. Illum


    Krugman is a tard

    Rogers for the win

    Interwebs rules!
    #14     Nov 5, 2010
  5. jem


    If Krugman calls you an idiot... thats a resume builder for the real world.

    Nobody, not even that robert reich guy is a bigger pseudo econ liar than Krugman.

    When you tell me - he got a Nobel prize.... I will tell you that Obama just got the peace prize. Those Nobel guys became poltical and have lost almost all their credibility.

    Remember, Nobel was a bomb maker.
    #15     Nov 5, 2010
  6. Debaser82: - Jim Rogers once called Krugman an idiot. So we know Rogers has been right about at least one thing.
    He also called Kudlow a liar once on CNBC and that ended his visits for a while. So he is right once in a while.

    In 1999 he said on cnbc that he was shorting the q's as they were going up big time.

    Well the q's kept going up and up, and at the same time I found out about his website. So I asked him if he was still short and he said he had covered.

    So I asked him if he had used any indicators to make his decision and he replied that he hadn't but maybe next time he would.

    Shortly thereafter I asked him about commodities and he said that he always sold options on commodities
    #16     Nov 5, 2010
  7. Pekelo


    The first question any economist is asked should be:

    How is your portfolio doing?

    Rogers "retired" at 38....

    #17     Nov 5, 2010