Patenting a trading strategy !? ;-)

Discussion in 'Trading' started by cnms2, Feb 7, 2006.

Should patents for trading strategies be awarded and could they be enforced?

  1. Yes

    5 vote(s)
  2. No

    53 vote(s)
  3. Not sure

    3 vote(s)
  1. Maybe she thinks that the dummies that would buy her course would be impressed with an icon that says "patent pending".
    #11     Feb 8, 2006
  2. Whether a trading method should be patentable or not I leave to others.

    Bill's "curve fitted method for sideways markets" bullied 6 ES points for me in two hours this morning. I haven't had a bad day in weeks.

    If you ever studied his system and didn't "get it", my sympathies.

    If you are just knocking his method based on the uninformed opinion of others, I would be pleased to take the other side of your trades.
    #12     Feb 8, 2006
  3. She wants to patent a covered call strategy LOL. What was going through her mind.... If she gets it, does she then send a cease and desist order to all those covered call websites? Will she then go after synthetic equivalents such as naked puts? Will we now have to call it Kim Calls instead of covered calls?

    It amazes me she charges $3,000 for a seminar and then has people sign a non-disclosure agreement. Do these people really think her covered call strategy is so unique when the reality is she is protecting her $3,000 per person payoffs. I always say how obscene it is for someone like her to charge so much money but if fools line up and pay for it, I cannot really blame her.
    #13     Feb 8, 2006
  4. Choad


    How 'bout this: Optioncoach's SPX Option System(TM) (patent pending)? You'll be a billionare! :D

    Makes about as much sense. Kind of like getting a patent on an algebra equation. :p

    I hope it's rejected...
    #14     Feb 8, 2006
  5. TRUE! I invented the SPX Credit Spread and I should run down to the PTO which is not far from my house and demand patent protection. I will charge $2,999,99 and claim I am cheaper than Kim!

    It is also as crazy as Trump trying to patent "You're Fired!" Yeah.....he came up with that. Before him we were all saying " are no longer hired!" Genius the way he simplified that.

    #15     Feb 8, 2006
  6. Maybe this is her way of marketing to a slew of uninformed mid 40s dreamers who think they can make 200% return a year if they attend her seminar and learn about her patent pended trading strategy.
    #16     Feb 8, 2006
  7. The idea of patenting a trading strategy is patently absurd.

    As an act of kindness, this thread should be put out of its misery.
    #17     Feb 8, 2006
  8. Thank you. It is so troubling why individuals speak of things they do not know. "curve fitted"... HUH? Do they understand what it is to curve fit? If you can be consistent across multiple markets across its entire history and then forward apply the same consistencies, how is that "curve fitted". Even so, you can simulate and find that the results are "NOT CURVE FITTED". Acrary has posted a tremendous amount of information in test for whether results/technique is curve fitted.

    I join you on your side as an informed person. We'll keep chugging...

    Kind Regards HM,
    #18     Feb 8, 2006
  9. slacker


    Any challenge to this could find enough 'prior art' to cloud this issue. Also, anyone interested in applying this approach could 'snowflake' the process with minor changes and be able to say, "our process is different, there is no overlap, because a, b, c, d". The differences could be minor but enough to insure a very expensive defense. This application is vague enough to make defense very difficult.

    As to a prior question of why this patent was worth the filing fee. The current process is taking 4 years from original patent filing to resolution. After 18 months the application becomes 'published' for all to see. For less than $1000 anyone can file a patent, completely without merit, and then claim for the entire 4, or more, years that their process is 'patent pending' and unique. This 'vanity patent' is cheap marketing and much less work than developing a performance trading record. When the patent offices throws a patent out, you simply refile a new patent and have another 4 years, or more, to enjoy the patent pending status. It means nothing to simply have a patent pending....

    Some more on 'vanity patents' at:
    Good luck!
    #19     Feb 8, 2006
  10. I hope to keep chugging and thanks!

    I failed to include this in my original post but as good as Bill is, I don't think he would have any success in attempting to curve fit price - his only real indicator.

    My best regards to you MAK
    #20     Feb 8, 2006