Part Time Jobs for Traders

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by soltron45, Nov 6, 2008.

  1. Eddiefl


    Find a large distribution center for FEDEX, UPS or DHL and get in the wharehouse at night, they do unloading and sorting all night long on conveyer belts.

    #11     Nov 7, 2008

  2. Maybee get a job as a waiter or bartender. I bartended for 10 years as I traded part time during the day and went to school part time and got my B.S in Math.

    I used to make 800-1200/week bartending tax free and averaged about 500/week trading a small 25 k account.

    When I graduated I could not find a job making more than 35K/yr and meanwhile manage to loose my bartending job due to having to give up shifts to pursue a useless degree.

    I tried to give trading a full time shot after graduation but nearly blew up because of the presure of having to go from 500/week to 1500/week over nite just to pay the bills.

    Now I bartend, Fri and Sat and make maybee 350/week. Sell Life insurance and make maybee 1 sale a month for another 1K, and have gone back to building my account back slowly and making another 500/wk trading.

    Bartending is a great job if you want to trade.

    Just a thought
    #12     Nov 7, 2008
  3. I have delivered pizza for most of the last 5 years, mostly at night, so that I could trade or work on other businesses during the day. It was good money and cash every night. You can guess that I haven't been very successful at my other endeavors. It’s disappointing, but I have no problem failing and getting right back up. What really bothers me is constantly being squeezed by rising cost of living and a paycheck that never goes up. I feel like a rattlesnake keeps squeezing my tighter and tigher. Sometimes I feel like just giving up.

    5 years ago when I started I got $5.25 an hour. At the store I’m currently at I get $4.50. The funny thing is there is more than enough people willing to work for that. Plus, the bad economy has scared all the good customers away and I’m left with only the bad ones. Tonight I worked 7.5 hours and only made $21 in tips. For the first time in my life I am spending more than I make. I am scared I am going to run out of money in a few months.
    I am on my third car, which now has 228k miles.

    All of this makes it very difficult for me to concentrate on trading. I don’t care what you do – deliver pizza, waiter, secretary, laborer, if you work 40 hours a week, you deserve a decent standard of living. I’m not talking about people with $400 monthly car payments, 4 kids, and a $200 pair of shoes. If you get $10 an hour x 40 hours a week x 4 weeks a month, that’s less than $2000 a month. How am I supposed to live on that? The smallest apartments where I live are $900 a month. $235 for health insurance. Food $200-300 (priced somewhere between Top Ramen and McDonald’s). car insurance, repairs, cell phone, you understand. I’m not even including the credit cards from a failed business. Just yesterday Wamu sent me a notice that they are increasing my interest rate 11 % to 22%. This after 6 years of maintaining perfect credit history on all of my accounts. Do they think I’m an ATM? Three years ago Chase took my rate from 8% to 24% for no reason other than I had a balance. Why? Because they can. I still haven’t moved out from my parents house because otherwise I don’t think I’d be able to survive.

    I’m still waiting for that hope Obama’s been promising. Unfortunately the Republicans are concerned about all the wrong things and in denial about the others, and while the democrats recognize the problems, have all of the wrong solutions. This is not the country that I grew up believing in. I was told if you work hard and play by the rules, you can achieve anything. I am one of the hardest working 24 year old’s you’ll ever find, but how can I achieve the American dream when it is so damn expensive?

    Sometimes I think it is just me. Some people say that I’m too negative sometimes. I prefer to think of it as staying in reality. But then I look around me and everybody I know my age is struggling. My brother and sister are struggling. Do any of you know anybody under 30 who owns a house and can afford it? Even a condo still costs 250k. My generation has very little opportunity. Everybody I know is getting by on tip jobs. That’s because we get paid by multiple people everyday instead of just one. Everytime I look in the paper it says something like this.


    A college degree and experience only gets you 30k. This is not right. I think you’ll be surprised to find how many smart, well spoken, and sometimes college educated people work in the service industry simply because there are not enough other well paying jobs out there where their potential can better be utilized.

    I have enclosed a graph that sums everything up.
    • et.gif
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      4.9 KB
    #13     Nov 9, 2008
  4. Mercor


    I don't think Obama's change has anything to do with someone like you. Obama is talking about Blue collar, union workers. Obama is trying to help the "working man" but at the expense of the business man.

    You are an entrepreneur. You can't look to a salary or hourly job to get where you want to go.

    For example, get into online marketing and selling. Find a local manufacturer and offer to run their online sales. use Ebay, Amazon.
    Anyone under 30 has a great opportunity to teach the elders about computers and the Internet.
    #14     Nov 9, 2008
  5. LEAPup


    Right now, I'm sitting in my Police Cruiser, as that's what I did when I left the Marine Corps in 1994. I am a Retail Broker, and IAR. I have been a Broker for 5 yrs +, and if it weren't for this job working nights during weekends, and a night or two during the week, I'd be "washed up," as the Clients in my area are ULTRA conservative, and if I mention stocks, they get their guns out. They've fallen for the "financial porn" that is on T.V every night.

    I wish you luck, and pray for you!

    God bless

    #15     Nov 9, 2008
  6. LEAPup


    BTW, imo oDUMBa is a Socialist Communist piece of garbage, and he is backed by the most Liberal House, and Senate that this ONCE great Country has ever seen.

    Get ready for the 2nd coming of Christ. All of this is found in the scriptures, and the time is now to ask, "am I saved?"

    Again bro, I will pray for you, as you are a Child of God, and if you follow His word, you will be sent in the direction you need to go... He did NOT put you her to suffer if you obey Him. If you do, blessings (yes, riches $$$$$$$$$), CAN very well follow.

    God bless

    #16     Nov 9, 2008
  7. I am not a working man? I go to work everyday. Restaurants are not union because "the man" would never go for that. They do not care about me. I worked for the same company for 4 years. I quit twice and the district manager, nor his brother who owned the franchise never called me. What does Obama know about work? Has he had a normal job in his life? Oh, right, community organizer, I forgot. Let’s suppose I want to deliver pizza my whole life, do I not deserve a decent standard of living? I use my car that I paid for, take all of the risks associated with that, know every street on the map including house numbers, and can do all of this faster than anyone else while still staying safe. I don’t want a handout from Obama. I want simple fairness.

    To get back on topic this thread is about finding a job that can pay your bills while you learn to trade or start a business. I’m saying that that is very hard to do. The little guy is being wiped out through job erosion and constant inflation.

    Do you want to know why everytime you go to McDonald's or order a pizza, it’s always messed up? Or maybe you say thank you to the cashier and they just look at you funny. It’s because they don’t care. They are getting $7 an hour and don’t care about anything. How much would you care? There are so many people out there who need a job that upper management doesn’t care about you because they know they can hire somebody else tomorrow.

    I have sold over 2000 items online on eBay and Amazon under this same screen name. That is the one thing that I have ever been successful at. I really enjoyed it. When people left me feedback, I felt great that I was able to help them. Unfortunately I ran out of things to sell. I am always on the look out, but can’t seem to find anything with enough mark up to make it even profitable. You have to have a niche with a certain market because there is so much competition. I think you would be surprised to find how many seniors are internet savy. I don’t know if they buy or sell anything, but they can use the internet and email.

    I have thought about going to businesses in the area and asking them for products to sell online. Unfortunately again I think I’ll run into the same problem. People don’t realize that generally the average product only sells online for about 50% of retail. So to make money I have to buy it for around 20-30% of retail. This is very hard to do. Also, to protect my feedback, I would want to do this only on a contract basis so that I’m not relying on anybody. I would buy the products from them and then resell them. Unfortunately I don’t have much cash now to do that. I have opened a new prop trading account that I am trying to trade during the day now. This is my last chance. I won’t have anything left if I loose this money.
    #17     Nov 9, 2008
  8. sumosam


    great post. i work in the healthcare industry on a casual basis and have more than enough work and only need to work about 24 hrs a week.

    there is a need for sitters, orderlies, ward clerks, porters. i would check this out. you are also interfacing with others. even housekeeping. pay is usually good.
    #18     Nov 9, 2008
  9. Instead of working a part time job for $5, $6, $8 an hour wouldn't it be much easier to take just one tick an hour out of a market like the ES (or any market of your choice)? Maybe do one tick every half hour? Maybe one tick every 15 or 20 minutes? Do the math of capturing small gains.
    #19     Nov 9, 2008
  10. mike007


    Small consistent gains? Sounds absurd, this will never work ;)
    #20     Nov 9, 2008