Paris! Paris! Paris!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by lassic, Jun 8, 2007.

  1. The 'me' generation produced Paris. The self-absorbed narcissistic generation of adults who lack the integrity to make any sort of sacrifice on behalf of the greater good, has birthed this child that is so desperate for attention, who has made a fine art of cultivating negative press. It wouldn't be a stretch to conclude that her machinations, are just a desperate plea, begging for someone to stop her before she kills herself because her parents have obviously refused to.

    Any set of parents who has produced a kid who is this out of control, self-destructive and seriously pathetic, obviously set no boundaries nor were they willing to assert their parental obligations by punishing her for the transgressions that led her to be the person she is today. No child or adult wants to feel that there are no boundaries that they can't cross -- that's scary. Or feel that no one has set an example for them to follow or advanced a system of values in which they could guide their behavior.

    I don't think anyone is going to disagree that Paris is a mess and a very bad influence on our society, especially young impressionable women. But it pays to keep in mind that she's a product of parental neglect and our collective appetites.
    The argument that she should be held in special contempt because she has no demonstrable talent, is just plain retarded, as that reasoning implies that if she had any talent, her behavior might be more acceptable and we would feel less inclined to see her punished. An argument that makes no sense.

    The press has made millions on the Paris traveling freak-show act as the millions who knew it was wrong, watched obsessively without protest, rubbernecking through the whole ride, getting mileage out of their feelings of superiority. Hypocrites.

    Sarah Silverman set a new low, if that's even possible for ,when she went into a viscous public indictment of Paris at, I believe, the MTV awards in which the camera locked on to those in the audience, catching Paris's embarrassed reactions and that of others in the audience. One in particular being Jack Nicholson, a man who has spent his entire life exploiting half-broken and vulnerable women, if we are to believe what has been written.
    His hearty, heartfelt laughter, spilled out of him like like a flood from a poisoned well. Yes, I enjoy him as an actor also, that talent says nothing about just what kind of a human being he is.

    Silverman's herself panders to a following that consists, almost exclusively, of young men who have been emotionally wiped-out by an excessive amount of porn. A generation of men who have been abandoned by their fathers and brainwashed by a culture that advances a 'girls gone wild' ethos at every turn, nook and cranny. Silverman is just another cog in the wheel of this cultural exploitation. To argue that she is somehow immune to contempt because she has 'talent' would be a hard argument to make as she neither has talent nor does she deserve immunity as she is guilty of far worse than Paris is.

    For anyone who has eyes to see, Paris is slowly killing herself before our eyes and while she is a bad influence on the young women she associates with and our culture at-large, she is highly representative of her self-destructive alienated generation who no one is making the slightest effort to help save. Silverman is just one more in a long chorus of women, who are eager to jump in and savage one of theirs because she has a nose for blood and is willing to advance her favor among frat boys even if it means standing on the corpse of Paris to do it.

    Imposing a jail sentence on Paris for breaking the law once too many times is a good idea, one would hope it might leave a lasting impression on her.
    Whether or not she is forced to serve her full sentence may be moot at this point.
    I seriously doubt if she'll try testing the system again.

    Rather than continue the litany of endictments, let's hope that she can take the considerable influence she has over our culture, and use it for the better.

    People far worse have managed that miracle.
    #21     Jun 9, 2007
  2. It'll never happen. The limo liberals who want to save the world can't manage the gumption to save their own. Just look at the obits or police blotters.

    At least Paris doesn't come out and expouse her views, I guess because she doesn't have any. But those that do should have to disclaim their qualifications for discourse.

    Paris is interesting in that she is not a substance abuser to any degree, so she may live on like Doris Duke, or someone like that. But look at Brittany Spears; they would have let her die. And her Mother is a hanger on.

    I don't even care about this shit, but you can't avoid it. Pitiful. I just feel as human beings, somebody should step in and stop the madness. Calling for your Mom after you've gone this far off the edge is crazy. If she was a Mom, we wouldn't be here. It would have been more appropriate if she called out "Kathy". How I know her mother's first name, I dunno. Osmosis I guess.
    #22     Jun 9, 2007
  3. While I liked your post, I cant seem to get over this part of it. It's been mentioned in the news as well that Paris has a powerfull effect on young women...What the fuc*?!...

    You dont see young boys running around, trying to act like Toby Mcguire, or jake gyllenhaal, at least I never hear about it, and I sure as hell dont give a shit what they do.

    Blame Oprah too for a lot of this crap. Her show plays like an arm around womens shoulders, preeching that it's ok that you are the way you are, and that society should give women a break simply because of their gender. she exploits a culture of victimization (which women tend to fall under this category more so then men), that she did so much to create; she glamorizes misery; she amplifies already widespread narcissism and solipsism; she fills people's heads with hackneyed nostrums about life.

    And Paris, if your reading this by any chance, tell your mom to get rid of those damn sunglasses, because she looks like a toad.
    #23     Jun 9, 2007
  4. LT701


    so what have you done to change things, other than give a self rightous indictment of an entire generation?

    i'm a faily conservative guy, but that kind of non-constructive griping ticks me off. Paris Hilton is HARDLY a representative of anyone except the Hiltons. The generation that raised her has alomst nothing in common with that family. They represent one family of the ultra rich, and nobody else
    #24     Jun 9, 2007
  5. LT701


    so what have you done to change things, other than give a self rightous indictment of an entire generation? ever occured to you that what you're doing, is little more than another flavor of narcissism?

    i'm a fairly conservative guy, but that kind of non-constructive griping ticks me off. Paris Hilton is HARDLY a representative of anyone except the Hiltons. The generation that raised her has alomst nothing in common with that family. They represent one family of the ultra rich, and nobody else
    #25     Jun 9, 2007
  6. Heard a great descriptive term for Hilton and her ilk: celebutard.
    #26     Jun 9, 2007
  7. Well, do tell then, who would be responsible for the pervasive sexualization of children and the existential malaise that plagues our youth? The number of kids who drink, and many to excess, has increased. The percentage of kids who take drugs has also increased, at same time the age of their fist-time use has decreased, while the frequency of drug use has increased among this population. The number of kids who are sexually active at younger and younger, ages is on the rise. Suicide, depression and related psychological problems, have been compounding with no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

    If not a generation of parents who fail to supervise their kids closely enough to insure their well-being aren't to blame for the increase in these numbers, who would be the cause of it? I would be quite interested in your answer.

    We have big problems and as long as a great majority of people want to deny it, nothing is ever going to get any better. If you think Paris, her excess and the huge legion of fans who imitate her behavior, in one form or other, is restricted to some small group, that would be a wrong assumption.

    You are right, Paris Hilton is hardly a representative of anyone. She a self-appointed icon, bereft of virtue. Her behavior and the media's constant obsession with every detail of her life, has coarsened our environment, having a deleterious effect on our youth. That is not to say that every young woman consciously imitates her behavior or every young man admires it, the effect is much more subtle than that of a purely literal nature. If you can't detect the erosion of childhood, the exploitation of people as objects in a porn industry that collectively, makes more money than Hollywood does with all of their blockbuster movie revenue combined, than you are seeing a construct that few others see.

    In regard to my own efforts, I can only say that they have been quite considerable, though I will not get into the personal details of my life on a message board. If you are that interested, send me a query via email.

    However, if your interest is purely to defend a generation of parents that you hold harmless, than we can respectfully agree to disagree.
    #27     Jun 9, 2007
  8. I'd put more blame on the media and the "National Enquirer" mentality/culture that has developed. Remember, the media was equally obsessed with O.J. and Princess Diana, vastly different persona.
    #28     Jun 9, 2007
  9. LT701


    i cannot defend them and hold them harmless, as they have not retained me for council

    i'm just irked at stupid and blanket statements like yours. most of the kids i know her age and younger are really bright, hardworking and positive - my nieces and their freinds really do well, everything that society could expect of them, and more

    just like their parents

    they sure could do without attitudes like yours
    #29     Jun 9, 2007
  10. I like Paris. She is a "brand" An income generator. She creates money from a "job" born out of thin air doing nothing. Who does that?

    "That's hot" trademark Paris Hilton. Right up there with "Your fired". Instant brand recognition. This is far from over, choreographed hollywood theatrical lifestyle, I'd be willing to bet, it is a lot harder than most of us think and a lot more work than we can imagine. The press are ruthless, the public with short memories.

    Everytime I hear someone say "role model", ehh, go read a book on Mother Theresa. Get real. Why don't the press put MT's picture on the front page everyday, save me from myself bs.
    #30     Jun 9, 2007