Panther Project Journal

Discussion in 'Journals' started by pantherproject, Jun 30, 2003.

  1. Short from the open 6/30/03.
  2. Wiener


    What stock/future? Any stops/targets? tks
  3. Weiner,

    You can use our journal as a general market indicator. We currently run 12 systems. Each has a specific set of contracts/stocks that it targets, but we keep most of the specifics for our subscribers. ;)

    What we're offering in the journal will be an eyeball assesment of where we think the market is going based on the agglomeration of the signals.

    I could offer some hypothetical charts but people on this board don't like hypothetical stuff much, and besides, the proof is in the pudding, so to speak. And it will take quite a while for a journal on ET to make a meal.

  4. ElCubano


    great good luck....thank you for posting
  5. spam through journal
  6. Sorry. Modified above to remove web link.

    Jeeze you guys are picky.


  7. Thanks for the kudos. Had to pull the web link though. Sorry.


  8. Flat from the open.