Palin says daughter, 17, pregnant

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bigdavediode, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. kut2k2


    Ann Dunham wasn't/isn't supporting Palin's position of taking away every other American woman's right to choose, reichtard. You simply don't understand what it means to practice what you preach (in this case, abstinence and proper parenting). Typical rightwing hypocrite.

    By the way, idiot, abortion wasn't legal when Barack was born. Got GED? :D
    #51     Sep 1, 2008
  2. Republicans rocked as Palin says teen daughter pregnant

    Abso-fucking-lutely hilarious.

    This cunt not only has terrible judgement but now eats crow.

    The liberals are laughing at the right-turds. And the world is laughing right along with them.

    With right-turds at the helm, the US does not need any enemies.

    The right-turds are doing a great job destroying the US from the inside along with their zionist masters.
    #52     Sep 1, 2008
  3. Familiar with the phrase, "buyer's remorse"? In any event, the delivery date of this baby can dispel any rumors that Trig is indeed Bristol's baby as well.

    My guess is that this baby will be a very "post-date" birth.

    I can't believe the McCain campaign vetted Palin so poorly. I give the Palin's credit by keeping both pregnancies. Most in a similar situation would've aborted.
    #53     Sep 1, 2008
  4. reg


    It wasn't Sarah Palin's decision to get her daughter pregnant - it was her daughter's own personal actions which caused her pregnancy. Faced with this situation, the Palins are practicing what they preach - to keep the baby in spite of the political consequences of this action. The easy way out was to hide this pregnancy and have Palin go through an abortion, something which no doubt a spineless, limpwristed moonbat democrap like you would do without even thinking twice.
    #54     Sep 1, 2008
  5. How do you know that? You don't know what Chealsea is like. Maybe, if you think she turned out great, it was inspite of those two miscreants that parented her.

    Or, maybe she's just really smart. Let Mommy and Daddy prostitute themselves for the big dough, sits back, and waits for them to croak.

    I'm doing that, but I don't expect any money.
    #55     Sep 1, 2008

  6. you dumb fuck. Why can't you people get this simple message.

    No one cares whether her daughter is pregnant or not.

    What they care about is this nut thinks this should be the course of action for all families. She wants to legislate morality.

    You and her are part of the american taliban. Human civilizations worst nightmare.
    #56     Sep 1, 2008
  7. kut2k2


    I'm not anti-abortion, reichtard, why would I hide any I was involved with? Not that it's anybody's business but if the issue arose in my personal life, there's nothing to be ashamed of. My girlfriend might feel different, and I'd respect her choice. That's what it means to be pro-choice.

    But you side-stepped the issue of parenting. It's the girls in the rightwing strict families that are getting knocked up at the highest rate now. They don't know about birth control, nor anything much about boyfriend control.

    More to the point, if it turns out that Trig really is Bristol's child, then along with everything else, Sarah's credibility is shot to hell.

    I'm not buying the 3000-mile, 8-hour trek back to some rural hospital AFTER her water broke.
    #57     Sep 1, 2008
  8. reg


    That was the moronic moonbat giveway statement. I see in another thread that you brought incest into the picture regarding the Palin pregnancy. LMAO! No sense arguing with someone in this state of mind.
    I'll let you have the last word and leave you moonbat morons to do circle jerks with each other.
    #58     Sep 1, 2008

  9. That is because you have nothing to argue about. You dumb fuck.

    Calling everyone "moon bat" seems to make you taliban types very smug and happy in your nether-regions. Feeble minded imbecile.
    #59     Sep 1, 2008
  10. ak15


    The DS Kid was born in April 2008. According to reports currently circulating : "Bristol is about 5 months pregnant". Based on the above it can't be ruled out with certainty that the first child is not Bristol's. She could be 3 to 4 months pregnant in which case it is possible that the DS infant could conceivably be Bristol's offspring.

    The delivery date will tell a lot. This assuming that there is no covenient miscarriage in between. (read ostensibly involuntary miscarriage albeit carried out by design). It is highly improbable whether the palins would resort to this measure which would make them look like a bunch of phonies. Time has much to reveal.

    The McCain camp admits to knowing about the pregnancy prior to the announcement of Palin as the choice for VP — to somehow let this drop just a few days after the announcement is ludicrous. Pregnancy does show, and it does have a ticking clock. The story was going to come out eventually. Shoddy handling on the part of McCain's group - to put it mildly.
    #60     Sep 1, 2008