Palin More Qualified Than Obama

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. The Republicans say most is well with the U.S., McCain states to this day that the economy is doing fine, and his former economic advisor said that America is a nation of 'whiners,' and that the only recession we have is a 'mental one.'

    In fact, Republicans proclaim that all is well with almost every facet of the United States, and there are no intractable problems that we face.

    Are you daring to disagree with their assessment by putting forward an analogy of 'Rome Burning?' If so, who bears primary responsibility for this (name one person or one party and your reasons for doing so).

    So, you're essentially advocating for an all-out civil war? Would nuclear weapons be allowed to be used by one state against another? Or would there be limitations on the boundaries of this process?
    #51     Sep 3, 2008
  2. Funny how the right-turd taliban resort to violence so quickly.

    Although one should never under-estimate the stupidity of the average american voter, we can only hope they've had enough of 8 years of right-turd taliban policies to vote sensible.
    #52     Sep 3, 2008
  3. thanks to youtube bush will forever be precieved as the idiot he truely is. pretty hard to revise history when the facts are staring you in the face.
    #53     Sep 3, 2008
  4. A question that should be asked is who started the polarization in the current politics? Who is continuing to perpetuate it? What acts and methods of discussion contribute to it? From what I see, there are some people who simply refuse to concede anything. Even when there are facts that are plain as day self-evident they will still try to make an argument over it. Such a mindset is irrational. One cannot conduct a constructive debate with people holding such an attitude. The current climate of political discussion in the U.S. is not good at all. If there is any clear sign the U.S. is currently headed for the gutter it's the complete collapse of intelligent political discussion. It's upon such discussion that a democracy derives strength. Currently it is poisoned. The independents have to step up and call those accountable to account for destroying the democratic debate. It is probably a bigger issue than many of the left-right issues that are used to litter the discussions.

    Are you contributing to the current political malaise in the U.S.? Here's a test. Try praising the candidates in the party on the other side of your political affiliation. If you cannot do that, then you are part of the problem that is running the U.S. into the ground and the best thing you can do for your country is probably to pull yourself out of political discussions.
    #54     Sep 3, 2008
  5. Yannis


    Maybe... maybe...

    BUT he really wiped the floor with BOTH of those imbeciles that the Dems put up against him, the best and smartest they could find from among them, right? SO, what does that say about the liberal "intelligentsia" of this great nation? Put them all together and they are still not even remotely as smart as GWB?

    What surprises me is that leftists still call "stupid" the man who beat and humiliated them so many times... Of course, this may be the biggest proof of them all: they haven't grasped yet that belittling the man who is proven to be smarter they they are hurts them. Go figure.

    :) :) :)
    #55     Sep 3, 2008
  6. I agree with you, and this is one of many reasons I am coming down much harder on the right than the left this election cycle.

    Bush has been a disaster, and very few in the GOP, including McCain, have challenged him on some of his more disastrous policies.

    Moreover, it is the Republican Party that shut Ron Paul out of their process. They went so far as to try and exclude him from the GOP debates hosted by Faux News. Instead of broadening their appeal, and welcoming rational and intelligent candidates such as Ron Paul, they essentially told the Republican constituency that Ron Paul was taboo.

    The modern Republican Party is truly broken and corrupt when they stoop so low as to shut one of the very few persons with absolute integrity and such a firm understanding of economic and foreign policy as Ron Paul out of their process. He threatens their corrupt establishment because he speaks truthfully, and that's the last thing they want people to hear - truth.
    #56     Sep 3, 2008
  7. Yannis


    Totally partisan view. Millions of Americans believe the opposite and the data (eg, national security, economy, etc) support their view.
    #57     Sep 3, 2008
  8. yea about 25%. but then 25% of americans probably still think elvis is alive.
    #58     Sep 3, 2008
  9. Yannis


    Which is twice as high as the % who see any value in the Democratic Congress. Grade him on a curve, man, and he soars!! :)
    #59     Sep 3, 2008
  10. Bush has the lowest approval rating (27% to 30%, varying in the last few months) of any president since Richard Nixon just prior to Nixon's resignation in the midst of the Watergate Scandal.

    He is loathed by independents, and the only core support he finds is amongst he most stalwart right wing activists. Even moderate Republicans view him more unfavorably than they did Nixon.

    This is why he didn't appear live at the GOP Convention, and why McCain is not eager to be linked or seen with him.

    You can't be serious.
    #60     Sep 3, 2008