palin. Like Mother, Like Daughter.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Free Thinker, Apr 8, 2011.

  1. I never said she was. But she evidently has no problem associating with, or taking money from, those who nibble at its periphery.
    #21     Apr 8, 2011
  2. Does whatever my condition or situation is absolve Palin of her parading around abstinence blather while she boned her boyfriend and got knocked up, and now whores herself out for a quarter million to speak on. and/or represent something she failed to do?

    Making money as a moralist off of her personal hypocrisy...the American way.

    #22     Apr 8, 2011
  3. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    so youre suggesting she should have given back the money. alright, then.
    #23     Apr 8, 2011
  4. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    it doesn't absolve anyone of their sins, no. but in my experience, the people who cry foul the loudest are usually the people who are the dirtiest.

    something tells me you're that type of creature.
    #24     Apr 8, 2011
  5. It doesn't matter if the messenger is dirty or not.

    The message is the issue at hand.

    So you tried to indict the messenger, and failed to distract away from the slutty teenage girl who boned her boyfriend and got pregnant while preaching abstinence to others.

    One look at this poor confused spawn of Sarah Palin, and you can see that the lights are on but nobody is home...

    #25     Apr 8, 2011
  6. Obama takes a $400,000 per year salary for being president. So he is whoring himself out for profit and not because he wants to contribute to the cause of helping our country.

    You have to believe this because I used YOUR logic to convey it.
    #26     Apr 8, 2011
  7. So you compare the piecemeal work Pistol does to the job of POTUS?

    Is this thread about Obama, or are you just showing off your Obama deragement syndrome?

    Not enough hate on Obama threads out there for you?

    The klannish will do anything to take the attention off one of their own...when their own are caught with their knickers down.

    Face it, Palin is a pig and she has raised a daughter who passively, yet aggressive pretended to be some chaste example of Palin preaching...when in fact this little tart was boning the hockey puck...

    Could you possibly stay on topic? Is that possible?

    Good must really hurt to see white trash be exposed for who they really are.

    #27     Apr 8, 2011
  8. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    not trying to distract anyone from anything. you have a habit of pointing out lots of negative things about all manner of people in this world, and i'm willing to bet you're no better than any of them. it's that simple.

    pot, meet kettle.
    #28     Apr 8, 2011
  9. I think a lot of non-profits like this are just a kind of back-scratching pass-through of donors greasing political skids.

    Kind of like Jack Abramoff would "comp" meals to politicians - you come around later to either them or people they are associated with later for favors. Pay to play.

    You should always look at who the donors are, and see how much of each dollar actually gets through to the "cause".

    As for Bristol Palin - she was offered the money and took it. Happens a lot.
    #29     Apr 8, 2011
  10. So what if I point out something negative?

    Again, your entire distraction away from Palin is noted. The issue is Palin, not me. Try not to become another of the ET stalkers, for your own good...just click ignore and move along.

    Palin boned a hockey puck, while preaching abstinence.

    #30     Apr 8, 2011