Palestine - A Land that Does not Belong to Islam

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by TraderZones, Mar 5, 2008.

  1. It should be clear, from all of this, that the world is about confusion. Confusion gives rise to it, confusion sustains it. Nothing is for sure. It is the realm of the unknown. The land of the uncertain. And all of it is fiction...every last electron, proton, quark and boson. The world is a hypothetical story made "fact" by infighting. It is all intended for Self deception. It is a self-concept fighting with yet different self-concepts. And this makes the fiction "real". For who would fight for what is not real? If you say it is real, you will someday fight for the little plot you call your own. But if it is nothing to you, then Spirit is your inheritance, and you will have everything. Everything belongs to you now. You just don't realize it while you fight for a mirage in the desert. Open your eyes and look to the north, the south, the west and to the east, as far as eye can see. It all belongs to you. But I am not talking about the sight of eyeballs. I'm talking about vision of a spiritual reality beyond.

    #41     Mar 7, 2008
  2. Who do you think am I...A coward like dddooo???

    Let us break the New York Times article you posted a link for and let us break it paragraph by paragraph;

    The researchers, Doron Behar and Karl Skorecki of the Technion and Ramban Medical Center in Haifa, and colleagues elsewhere, report that just four women, who may have lived 2,000 to 3,000 years ago, are the ancestors of 40 percent of Ashkenazis alive today. The Technion team's analysis was based on mitochondrial DNA, a genetic element that is separate from the genes held in the cell's nucleus and that is inherited only through the female line. Because of mutations - the switch of one DNA unit for another - that build up on the mitochondrial DNA, people can be assigned to branches that are defined by which mutations they carry.

    You should've believed me when I told you that study it could've been politically motivated. Two "israeli" researchers from an "israeli" institute coming up with such conclusion. How shocking!!!

    Further more, the two researchers showed the only 40% of such population had any genetic traces to our area. What about the other 60%???????

    Are they saying that, they do not have any genetic traces??? And if not, how did they become Jews?? Thank you very much!

    If we were to base Jews based on their genetic traces to People of our area then the problem would've been solved long time ago. Let us test the Genetic makeup of all of the Jews of Palestine and any fraudulent Khazarah like dddooo who does not have any traces should be treated as an occupying foreigner with no fairytale leg to stand on.

    In the case of the Ashkenazi population, the researchers found that many branches coalesced to single trees, and so were able to identify the four female ancestors.

    How many??? 10%? 20%? 30%? 40%? How many??? What kind of scientific research is that?? How many are they percentage wise???

    Looking at other populations, the Technion team found that some people in Egypt, Arabia and the Levant also carried the set of mutations that defines one of the four women. They argue that all four probably lived originally in the Middle East.

    So why was it assumed that the 40% who have the so called "genetic traces" migrated as Jews??? Why is it assumed that they migrated from Palestine???

    This finding is widely accepted by geneticists, but there is less consensus about the women's origins.

    Wait a minute here! The Religion of a Jewish child is decided by the mother... Not the father. So now; even the 40% are disputed!!!

    What makes a child of a Jewish man, 2000 years ago, who stumbled upon Europe and who became horny and did the wild thing with a none Jew; A JEW!???!

    David Goldstein, now of Duke University, reported in 2002 that the mitochondrial DNA of women in Jewish communities around the world did not seem to be Middle Eastern, and indeed each community had its own genetic pattern. But in some cases the mitochondrial DNA was closely related to that of the host community.

    Any questions MoFo??? It turned out that the majority of the women were not, after all, Jews!!! And if that is the case, how did the children become Jews??? Did they convert??? And if they converted; what makes them different from the Khazaras of central Asia and Easter Europe???

    Dr. Goldstein and his colleagues suggested that the genesis of each Jewish community, including the Ashkenazis, was that Jewish men had arrived from the Middle East, taken wives from the host population and converted them to Judaism, after which there was no further intermarriage with non-Jews.

    Wow Dr. Goldstein!!! Were you with them then??? What is your fucking evidence that this is what happened???
    #42     Mar 7, 2008
  3. You should've waited a bit before embarrassing yourself. Keep in mind that it is lunch hour and I had to go get my lunch.
    #43     Mar 7, 2008
  4. The last link you posted is most likely stolen from the nazis. Chances are, the word Arian race was substituted with Ashkahnazi Jews.

    But then again, why am I not surprised?!

    I elected not to finish the article for fear that I might puke my well deserved "Hero Burger"
    #44     Mar 7, 2008
  5. Nice way to break it paragraph by paragraph and "forget" one of the key paragraphs which happens to completely destroy your pathetic Khazar conspiracy. Wael caught with his pants down once again:

    A study by Michael Hammer of the University of Arizona showed five years ago that the men in many Jewish communities around the world bore Y chromosomes that were Middle Eastern in origin. This finding is widely accepted by geneticists, but there is less consensus about the women's origins.

    It was proven a long time ago that Ashkenazi men came from the middle east, this research was about Ashkenazi women and it showed that many (perhaps all) of them also came from the Middle East.

    You can stick your antisemitic Khazar myth all the way up your islamic ass. And go back home to Yemen.
    #45     Mar 7, 2008
  6. As opposed to the solid evidence that eminates from WAELLY-WORLD.

    The only thing convincing from you, is that you bang the Zionist drums ad nauseum, to an audience that couldn't care less about your distorted world view. You usually breath fire, snorting "Zionist" up to 6-8 times in many of your posts.

    There is a lot less than 6 degrees of separation between you and a TidyBowl lozenge, say about 2. There is about one degree of separation between you and a French Fry.
    #46     Mar 7, 2008
    #47     Mar 7, 2008
  8. God do I love to embaress the fuck out of you nazi boy! This is what I wrote in that regard;

    Wait a minute here! The Religion of a Jewish child is decided by the mother... Not the father. So now; even the 40% are disputed!!!

    What makes a child of a Jewish man, 2000 years ago, who stumbled upon Europe and who became horny and did the wild thing with a none Jew; A JEW!???!

    As for the anti Semitic, As I told you before, you should pull this shit on white people on hope of intimidating them. I am the Semite bitch. Not you you fucking converts. You are the anti Semitic killer who not only committed crimes against Non Jewish Arabs from the Semitic linage but also Arab and Mezrahis Jews.
    #48     Mar 7, 2008
  9. Fuck you Tgregg!!!
    #49     Mar 7, 2008
  10. It has nothing to do with the religion, it destroys your claim that Ashkenazi Israelis are Khazars who according to your idiotic theory were a totally different race/ethnicity which never lived in the Middle East.

    So once again you're caught with your pants down and you can stick your antisemitic theory that it was the Khazars who moved to Israel up your jihadist ass. And take your fascist medieval tribe back to Yemen where it came from.

    PS if a non-jewish woman converts to Judaism she becomes a jew and her children are jews. Even in this respect you have no idea what you're talking about.
    #50     Mar 7, 2008