OWS: Violence Will Be Necessary

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Maverick74, Oct 12, 2011.

  1. Ricter


    *shrug* There were tp'rs bringing guns to their rallies, and proud of themselves.

    And similarly, most Americans are not bored and scared retirees.
    #31     Oct 12, 2011
  2. Max E.

    Max E.

    Whats wrong with bringing a gun to a rally if you have a license and it is legal to do so?

    The difference between the 2 rallies is that the left wing media had to talk about the hypothetical chance of violence with the tea party rallies(which never panned out) where as the violence and destruction is right in our face with the Occupy wall street rallies, and most other left wing rallies for that matter.
    #32     Oct 12, 2011
  3. Lucrum


    because they're stoned pussies
    #33     Oct 12, 2011
  4. jem


    where is is working ? without massive oil revenues as a percent of gdp.

    oil revenues work so well alaska pays its citizens.
    #34     Oct 12, 2011
  5. Well, at this point we're left hoping that Keynes really was wrong. All the evidence coming in from the eurozone, where any sort of response has been choked off by the morphing of what in the past would have been currency problems into credit problems, indicates otherwise.
    A debt-deflation after a huge financial crisis can be made to feel less bad if the gov't is allowed to act as what amounts to a hedge against disaster - you know, the societal equivalent of buying a vertical instead of buying or selling a naked call/put. Given that all routes to stimulus are now being blocked here, that the Fed is done trying QE, and local gov'ts are still shedding people because of the economy, we're about to find out what it's like to run this economy without a hedge, and of course without a stop too. What the market fundamentalists fail to realize is the wisdom behind the saying "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". Take 'em off the streets now and you get to keep a more or less middle-of-the-road society. Try it later, and the chances of success will be far far less.
    Or to quote Martha Mitchell, who observed, correctly, in 1970, to a bunch of reporters "This country's going so far to the right you won't recognize it", well, just sub "left" for right.
    It'll take a while, same as it did back then, but anyone who thinks folks will put up with years of high unemployment without reacting is smoking something a lot more powerful than anything I ever tried.
    #35     Oct 12, 2011
  6. Max E.

    Max E.

    Have you been living in a cave the last 3 years? This whole disaster is the end result of 30 years of keynes run wild all over the world. We are now currently stuck paying the tab for the so called "free lunch" that keynes got us.

    #36     Oct 12, 2011
  7. jem


    Is it better to have a debt deflation which could go on for 20 years or more... or may never end.... or let the depression happen.... put in a bottom and give everyone a chance to start investing off the lows and getting back to work?

    I think that destroying the value of the currency with crazy spending and massive future debt - so far - has shown not be a hedge but the destroyer.
    #37     Oct 12, 2011
  8. Lucrum


    WTF? Did you just get back from a long term space voyage?
    #38     Oct 12, 2011
  9. Actually it's the result of 30 years of a government who turned a blind eye to any and all sense of regulation, fostered a free for all there are no negative consequences mentality in business, watched a too big to fail financial system spin completely out of control, and then feigned disbelief when it all blew up. Somehow this was passed off as capitalism. And now we are stuck paying the tab for the corporate free lunch.

    Oh, and then there is that decade long 100 billion dollar a year unfunded war game we've been playing to drive the nail in the coffin as well.
    #39     Oct 12, 2011
  10. Max E.

    Max E.

    LOL, you dont seem to understand what it was that kept this ball rolling the whole time. Every time there was a dip the government has been there to print dollars and bail these people out. If it wasnt for keynesian economics, and socialist policies where we bail out companies who lose, this whole thing would have never been allowed to get to the level it was.

    The free market and lack of regulation works just fine so long as the government isnt there to keep the ball rolling every time these guys fuck up. What we have now is basically the polar opposite of free market capitalism, because the government is there every step of the way to help businesses and markets out.

    If it wasnt for that shithead keynes the bubble would have never been allowed to get to the level it got to when it finally burst in 2008, it would have burst a long time ago and these businesses who took ridiculous risks would have learned their lessons because they would have went under.

    #40     Oct 12, 2011