OWS Back At Zuccotti Park - More Violent

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Mar 18, 2012.

  1. Lucrum


    Theoretically they don't.
    I do. If the second amendment guarantees my right then why do I have to pay a $75 tax for a permit to do what the constitution already says I can do? Why is it some county judges in a "will issue" state refuse to issue permits in spite of the 2nd amendment AND their own state laws? Why is it illegal to carry in Illinois and D.C.? There are plenty of people out there, many in high political offices, that would love nothing better than to completely disarm the citizenry. Refusing to see that isn't being a "centrist". It's being naive.
    #11     Mar 18, 2012

  2. Ah, they charge to register your car. your house, to go the State parks, your telephone, cell phone, and your driver license, all of which are 'rights' of sorts (not sure about the driver license, they sure try to make you think it's a privilege), so I don't think registration fees are onerous with guns. And, like cars, it's probably a good thing to keep track of ownership. Not restrict it, be clear, I'm not against gun ownership, but it seems things with serial numbers somehow get 'registered.'

    All in all, similar laws in most States, you noted IL and DC, I guess it's a States rights issue in that case. Great Britain has severe and strict gun laws, seems to working in one sense. Doubt it would go over very well here.

    People kill people, gun accidents do happen, but safe gun use is fine with me. I'm proud to have qualified Expert in the Military. Not as easy as some might think. Just my opinion Mr. L.

    no c this time, just for you.
    #12     Mar 18, 2012
  3. #13     Mar 18, 2012
  4. JamesL


    GO OWS GO!!
    #14     Mar 19, 2012
  5. pspr


    <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/nypd-probing-what-it-calls-online-threat-to-kill-police-officers-by-apparent-occupy-protester/2012/03/18/gIQAprdbLS_story.html">Occupy Protester Threatens to KILL Police Officers</a>
    #15     Mar 19, 2012
  6. gwb-trading


  7. 377OHMS


    Soon we'll see the National Guard called out and they'll probably just start shooting occupiers ala Kent State.

    Seems silly to lose your life over a completely undefined cause that most occupiers cannot cite.
    #17     Mar 19, 2012
  8. achilles28


    You're delusional. You realize that, right?

    The NDAA authorizes the military to round up citizens and lock them up in prison, forever, if the Executive accuses them of terrorism. No trial, judge, lawyer. Your boy, Obama, made sure the "indefinite detainment" provision covered American citizens. Holder is making the argument the President has the authority to assassinate citizens in America. The Enemy Expatriation Act gives the Executive the authority to strip Americans of their citizenship, if, again, with no judge, jury or trial, the executive accuses them of being, or associating with "terrorists". As to camps, KBR sent out an request for quotation to subcontractors 2 months ago to staff, service and manage the hundreds of FEMA camps located around the country, on 72 hours notice. Job postings for "internment specialists" went up on the GOARMY website a few months ago.

    Playing the role of the idiot liberal is getting old. Wake up. This Country is going to shit fast, and you say it ain't happening because you're totally ignorant and would defend Obama if he felated a dog on the White House lawn.
    #18     Mar 19, 2012
  9. Now you have me wondering what you're trying to say at all. Are you saying we should rush to the aid of the OWS people before they get shot by the government? Or are you supporting some made up idea that they are terrorists? Who exactly are you afraid of, the OWS or the Government, or both. Really sad to live in fear. I think a great man once said "the only thing to fear is fear itself."

    And, your language and childish name calling pretty much locks up at least of the village idiot posts. So, which is it? Afraid of 1st amendment rights, of the big bad boogey man? Living in fear, nice way to live your life.

    #19     Mar 19, 2012
  10. achilles28


    You're head is so far up your ass, its mind boggling. I live in reality, with facts and information. You live in a land of delusional optimism because it "feels good". OWS is neither here nor there. My post was in response to yours, where you implied talk of marshall law and concentration camps is far fetched. Legislators have actually passed law that makes concentration camps and marshall powers the reality, for those the President unilaterally declares a "terrorist". That's if they don't assassinate them first. FEMA camps are real, and KBR sent out RFQ's to staff and maintain the nations camps, on a 72 hour notice. The 'ol "it can't happen here" argument doesn't work anymore. It IS happening here. You're just ignorant of what's actually happening. And then snipe at others who actually read the news, as negative pessimists. Buddy, get real. Read a news article every once in a while, then come back and tell me everything is sunshine and lollipops.
    #20     Mar 20, 2012