Outstanding article must read.

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by nitro, Aug 30, 2009.

This is not your fathers recession

  1. I strongly agree with this article that there are no new jobs.

    49 vote(s)
  2. I disagree with this article. See my posts below.

    9 vote(s)
  3. I don't know

    2 vote(s)
  4. I don't care

    13 vote(s)
  1. hahaha ! If only the average american MTVbrainwashed kid could do something positive in his life. The only think important for him/her is his social statut in his little life. And how he excludes some people from it. The kinds of bastard would have been dead in the old days...

    And my friend, you are so ignorant. Jobs arN'T given... Where do you live ? I explain : a need from the corporation, then finding someone who will be train/know how to do. Then money for the worker for his hard work. But you need someone who as a brain ! I don't mean the superbrain, just some one without an aritificialego created by watching manipulative tv for more than 3hrs a day...

    Hard work... please I remind you that working in front of a computer is an easy work! go work in mine in China to see what are work is. You don't have an idea.

    And 4rd the living standard of the american will not be lowered. Only yours... and the others suckers...

    Big that's the old america : the suckers are eated by the new strong...
    #11     Aug 30, 2009
  2. Our growth engine has run out of a key source of fuel—critical mass, basic scientific research.

    The pot at the end of the scientific research rainbow is a lawsuit.

    Innovation cannot pass muster of insurance liability.

    Design is born in the lab and dies in the legal dept.
    #12     Aug 30, 2009
  3. ---------------------------------------------

    "...As a consequence of exporting good jobs that are not fully replaced, the U.S. demand engine is broken. Of the roughly 130 million jobs in the U.S., only 20% (26 million) pay more than $60,000 a year. The other 80% pay an average of $33,000. That ratio is not a good foundation for a strong middle class and a prosperous society. Rather than a demand engine, it's a decay curve. As a nation, we have papered over our declining incomes by accepting the need for two incomes per household and by borrowing heavily, often against paper assets inflated by financial bubbles (dot-com and housing). In recent years, personal debt has grown much faster than personal income. In 1985 the ratio of household debt to household income was 0.7 to 1; in 2000 it was 1 to 1; in 2008, it was 1.7 to 1. We earned less, so we borrowed more. In 2007 we reached our limit.

    This cycle looks only to be getting worse...."


    A significant portion of America's [former] middle class has been outsourced... NEVER TO BE REPLACED!

    We have yet to come to grips with this... especially US Government.

    We are going to one day acknowledge that not only is there not a good well-paying job for everyone who qualifies for one, THERE'S NOT EVEN A JOB OF ANY KIND FOR EVERYONE WHO WANTS ONE. Thanks to outsourcing to low labor cost countries and high productivity in the US, we have an oversupply of LABOR at all levels of skill.
    #13     Aug 30, 2009
    #14     Aug 30, 2009
  5. Sodajerk


    OP, I agree that without continued innovation, the American economy is in big trouble.

    What an extraordinary claim. Why do you say that?

    No, it's not a simplistic all-or-nothing proposition. The idea is to make protectionism work for you when possible. Leave it to the other guy (your competition) to make protectionism work for him (and possibly against you).
    #15     Aug 30, 2009
  6. Every protection is in itself the fear of freedom !
    #16     Aug 30, 2009
  7. Sodajerk


    #17     Aug 30, 2009
  8. Right on. Seems all our innovation has gone into law, finance, and politics. :(
    #18     Aug 30, 2009
  9. bidask


    i disagree with this article. there's more r&d now than ever. the problem is a lot of the fruits of the r&d are going outside of the u.s.
    #19     Aug 30, 2009
  10. I prefer they spend my tax $ on meaningful R&D than on the other shite they're spending it on now.

    If they were to re-direct tax $ to this, and ditch all the socialist crap I'd be comfortable with it.

    if they maintain all the horsecrap spending AND fund this, I'm not comfy with it.
    #20     Aug 31, 2009