Outlook for New U.S. Nuclear Energy: Political, Regulatory and Economic Dynamics

Discussion in 'Events' started by TradeTheNews, Apr 12, 2010.

  1. TradeTheNews

    TradeTheNews ET Sponsor

    Good Afternoon Traders,

    The next installment in TradeTheNews.com's FREE Professional Webinar Series is less than 24 hours away. Here are the details:

    Outlook for New U.S. Nuclear Energy: Political, Regulatory and Economic Dynamics

    Tuesday, April 13th, 4:30 PM EST, SIGN UP HERE: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/234067512

    Location: Online Webinar

    Co-Hosted By: The U.S. Nuclear Infrastructure Council

    David Blee, Former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Energy & Managing Director, Forrestal Group LTD

    CJ Milmoe, Senior Policy Counsel, U.S. Nuclear Infrastructure Council & Former Counsel, General Electric

    Robert Walker, Senior Consultant, MIMA Consulting & former President, Constellation Nuclear Services

    President Obama recently called for expansion of nuclear energy generation in the United States while announcing the first in a series of loan guarantees -- an $8.7 billion guarantee for two new units at the Vogtle plant in Georgia. The President's Fiscal Year 2011 budget request proposes expanding the Energy Policy Act of 2005 loan guarantee program to $54 billion. There are eighteen applications received by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for 28 new nuclear reactors. Additionally, four new nuclear fuel enrichment facilities are either under construction or planned along with initiatives for at least two new major manufacturing facilities to provide nuclear plant components. This revival comes amidst a global nuclear renaissance with more than 50 plants under construction and up to 400 on the drawing boards -- boosted by electricity demand in emerging nations and global climate objectives. Senators Kerry (D-MA), Lieberman (I-CT) and Graham (R-SC) are planning to introduce a revamped bipartisan U.S. climate change legislative approach this Spring that embraces a robust nuclear energy platform.

    Webinar discussion topics include the status of "early movers", leading technology options, key players in the nuclear marketplace as well as critical hurdles to new nuclear generation including the impasse over the Yucca Mountain (Nevada) nuclear repository.

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    Established in 1999, TradeTheNews.com is the financial professional's source for instant Futures, Stock and FOREX news analysis. For added color, the popular news channels are paired with an S&P500 Open-Out-Cry Hosted by David Bahoric and company daily from 9:20am - to 4:20pm EST. This squawk channel guarantees listeners will feel the "texture" of the market and trends as they develop. When traders tune in, they hear the pit's actual acoustics and are able to react quickly and confidently to daily events. For a free trial for TradeTheNews.com's S&P500 Open-Out-Cry Squawk please sign up here https://www.tradethenews.com/freetrial.asp?pr .

    For more information regarding this webinar, please contact:
    Jessica Kurjakovic