Our Next President

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Yannis, Mar 28, 2008.

  1. Gord


    Priceless... [​IMG]
    #21     Apr 2, 2008
  2. this wise old man who isnt even curious enough to learn how use a computer is supposed to be our leader in this information age?

    #22     Apr 2, 2008
  3. dont ask yappo that question. his response is that it is a good thing that mccain is an idiot. go figure.
    #23     Apr 2, 2008
  4. Yannis


    So, you'd rather vote for Obama who thinks that the "typical white" person is a racist, or Hillary who can't tell the truth to save her life?

    Who cares if he uses computers or not? At least he's not accusing anyone else (eg, claim that the "typical black person" doesn't know about computers either) and he's honest about it.
    #24     Apr 2, 2008
  5. i think it indicates another thing mccain and bush have in common. a lack of intellectual curiousity.
    #25     Apr 2, 2008
  6. obama never said the average white person is racist. he basically said the average white person is uncomfortable in black neighborhoods after dark. that is a true statement.
    #26     Apr 2, 2008
  7. Yannis


    Yes, that's the stupid liberal response "the Republicans are not smart" forgetting that, as a group, Republicans are much better educated, more prosperous and more likely to be running their own business. George W is a very well educated, self made multi-millionnaire, who beat their liberal ass several times in Texas and national elections, and that's why they hate him so much. It's fear, really, not well reasoned hatred. Oh well, who cares, eight years is enough.
    #27     Apr 2, 2008
  8. Yannis


    No, he didn't, go back and check the quote. No neighborhood was mentioned and no dark was alluded to either. He was talking about the response of a typical white person just seiing someone (implying a black person) in the street. It was a purely racist perspective and the liberals were just applauding. Not to mention the "black value system" of his church for 20 years. Didn't he see and subscribe to that either? What if another church had the same mission statement, but with "white" instead of "black" in all key places? How many of us would go there? Not me, for sure, I know that.
    #28     Apr 2, 2008
  9. i used to believe the line that bush was really brilliant but just acted stupid to fool the democrats. boy was that wrong.
    its no different than being the ceo of a big company. bush and company failed to make the company prosper so now it is time to get new blood. mccain is not new blood. its like putting the ceo who ruined the companys right hand man in the job.
    #29     Apr 2, 2008
  10. Yannis


    I disagree with this statement too. Bush inherited a very weak economy, the stock market bubble bursting and Al Qaeda running amuck. He fought two wars successfully (in a military sense) and cut taxes to re-energize the economy, which grew greatly over the past 5-6 years and created several million new jobs. Now the economy is a bit tired and we slowed down a little, but we can already see the light at the end of the tunnel in the corporate earnings projections for the fall. If you can take off your partisan hat for a minute, you should award him a solid A for his handling of the economy. Cheap dollar? Who cares if our inflation and unemployment are kept under control? It's just helping our exports. Let the Europeans and the Japanese scream about it because they don't like the competition. We are a net importing nation, we need cheap currency to prosper or else we'll go down like Japan did in the late 80s.
    #30     Apr 2, 2008