Our leaders (lol)

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TorontoTrader2, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. Representin'!
    part 1 of 3

    putin of russia

    stephan harper, pm of canada and 2003 bilderberg attendee

    australia's pm.

    france's ex-pm chirac
    (guess who replaced Chirac lol)
  2. part 2


    jean chretein, ex-pm of canada

    fiji's president

    former pm of portugal
  3. part 3


    Chertoff, heard of homeland security


    chief of staff

    karl rove

  4. otto


    Hey great post.

    "In the end the world will see that I was right." Adolf Hitler- from his last will and testament
  5. Hey! :mad: HE WAS NOT RIGHT!!! hitler was just a terrorist, and all his top scientists were recruited by the USA after the war...same team in the end.

    That was not the point of my post.

    Anyway, granddaddy bush funded hitler (the elite bankers always fund both sides of their phony wars).
  6. After germany was "liberated" it was allowed to decend into decades of brutal communist rule.

    After vietnam was "liberated" it was allowed to decend into decades of brutal communist rule.

    After korea was "liberated" it was allowed to decend into decades of brutal communist rule.

    After iraq was "liberated" is __________ fill in the blanks.

    All the top commie scientists were welcomes into the USA after WW2. A blind eye was turned as many fled to S. American.

    Massive concidences! Keep waving that flag
  7. Could have fooled me.
  8. Some even say that hitler was used to make the case for a special jewish state, which is israel. Interesting how their big push came in 1948 just after the war. I wonder if will ever know who was pulling the strings on WW1, WW2, and Cold War, and now the 'war of terror', to set the stage for world changes.
  9. My point is, are there similar pictures of other minority religious groups - such as buddists, or native indians - standing similarily with national leaders?

  10. Yes, of course there are.
    #10     Sep 25, 2007