I am looking for a cheap broker without having to "Confirm Order" each time I place an order. Looking for, you just click and the order is executed. TT's X-Trader is an option, as well as CQG's Chart Trader But with $500 etc for platform fees for a month, it is quite expensive. Anyone here have better options for a scalping platform that isn't quite that expensive.
CQG is losing their fast click capability in the next version. They have been warning baout it for weeks. I use Trademaven through ProActive Futures and in the new version, fast click is back. they settled their patent infringement suit with TT. Great product
For manual order entry, I really like TradeMaven as well. I was introduced to it by eFloorTrade. Commission rate is fair for volume traders. I don't use TradeMaven. Have only demoed the product. I use auto execution for my systems.
Most borkers/clearing houses don't support Trademaven. Maybe they don't support it because it is very hard to scalp with Trademaven, and that would also consequently be the reason why most scalpers swear by X-trader.
Dear Sir Atleast today demo version of openecry give possibility to shutdown all confirmations. Another advantage of Openecry against TM 3.1.7 from author point of view ,that by placing order/cursor movement to volume columnn of bid or ask/ volume would not headed as by TM 3.1.7 Openecry have only 1.55 mb to download against 8.4 mb of TM 3.1.7 .Tm was morespeedy by test with ESignal against OECD of Openecry ,but in real account you can order Esignal for Openecry .
trademaven works excellent with transact futures and if xtrader was not around this would be my only platform. i only use xtrader with systems that i trade with large positions and a system that needs crack execution speed {a scalp system}---------trademaven would probably work fine for these also, but i have come to love xtrader {has been as reliable as a lexus} with the program api capabilities for automated HFT. all hand trading can easily and reliably be done through transact/trademaven----------you can also now trade off the trademaven charting----------- http://www.tmdownloads.com/manual3/video_folder/TMV/TradeMaven Videos.html