Order Combinations

Discussion in 'Order Execution' started by linker2k, Feb 3, 2017.

  1. linker2k


    Do you know if an AON, FOK, IOC order can be combined with one an other and/or each combined with a market stop order and/or a limit stop order and/or OCA and/or OCO orders, on online stock trading brokerage platforms?

    you could answer for example :
    (yes) meaning that it is combinable, (no) meaning non combinable, (?) meaning not sure

    (the answers in the parenthesis are examples, not my answers)

    AON: market stop (yes), limit order (yes), FOK(?), OCA(?)....
    FOK: market stop (yes), limit order (yes), FOK(?), OCA(?)....

    I wonder if bracket orders can also be combined.