OptionVue vs ToS

Discussion in 'Options' started by Joel Reymont, Nov 12, 2006.

  1. Doesn't change my POV. As any trader worth his salt would know, the context is just as important as the data you are analyzing. I am providing context to your "questions" and "research".

    I checked it out, it was not worth it, especially when you can have access to ToS's software free...or something like OptionStar which is a hell of a lot cheaper and very functional.

    I'm no options expert, but I'm also no dumbass. I know if something is quality or not.

    If you weren't taking up for the company so vehemently maybe you'd realize what I was saying. I am not even arguing with you, I am making points for someone who is actually open minded to consider.

    I already know your mind is made up as far as defending Platinum or whatever it is. Not trying to sway you, I am sure you get the software free anyway- again, just providing context.

    P.S. If you truly don't care about the company and have no affiliations with them, I would suggest stepping aside on this for a while. After all, what do you care what anyone thinks about an options analysis platform? If you continue to fight for their cause and you are in fact part of their sales team...I WILL pull you into the light, Carol Ann. ( By the way, you are already three for three on the shill checklist for 1. generic, hasty handle, 2. bad grammar, and 3. explosive outbursts to those who don't praise the product you are "researching")
    #51     Jan 19, 2008
  2. And you are an Idiot with a capital " I "

    My bad grammar is due to the fact that english is not my first language.

    Now you are sure I get the software for free ? Fantastic.

    I told you I spent $ 3500 for their two day seminar and I wish I didn't. What is wrong with you ? The only thing I would sell you is an ongoing session with a good therapist. You will certainly appreciate it.

    I do not work for them nor I get free software from them or anyone else, I am interested in buying some software that is why I am here.

    I do not plan to change my broker, TOS is not an option, so far I am leaning toward trying both Platinum and OV.

    I am going to the OV live seminar in Vegas, that should help me to make a choice, but I think that both products are good for an intermediate option trader.
    #52     Jan 19, 2008
  3. Of course you say you have to pay for it. Come on that would be silly to actually tell us they give you the software free.

    Just let it go man, no need to be pimping Optionetics when someone has unresolved issues with the company. Too sketchy....makes you look bad.

    Why would you want to go buy their software when you already regret spending money on them in the first place? That's your prerogative of course, but still odd, given the circumstances.

    You can continue to call me an idiot all you want and whatever other colorful monikers you dream up....No need to be so explosive over it....like I said, it's just software, what do you care if people like it or not? Refer to my previous statement (previous post) ...just let it go.
    #53     Jan 19, 2008
  4. Reaver,

    The software and the seminar are two different things.

    I said I am going to an OV live in seminar in Vegas, do you know how to read english, Optionvue ok ? Now going to their seminar might be of value and might be interersting or might not be, however that has abolutely nothing to do with their software, so stop being a first class mornon.

    I am not pimping Optionetics the only pimp in drag here is you.

    And why do you care about what I care ? What difference does it make in your life if I care about other people experience with options software ?

    Let me tell you what I don't care about since after 4 posts you didn't understand and didn't answer to any of my questions. I don't care about what you have to say since you are not an option trader nor an option expert ( your words )

    " Your username is generic and you only have 20 posts " is the best you can come up with, you are not making any point.

    All that nonsense makes all your posts extremely irrelevant, if you reply again you will talk about 1240 different things, but you are not able to talk about the topic, so far you didn't say nothing of value for the ET community.

    I suggested you take this private but no, better write some more trash hopefully by 2009 you will have 2480 posts, that shall make you look reeeal good and also of course a real option expert.

    #54     Jan 19, 2008
  5. Matter of fact I did offer an opinion on the software. You must've missed it.

    So here, let me help.
    #55     Jan 19, 2008
  6. Okay well, time will tell what else you are going to say about Optionetics.....I'm just saying, you are travelling a well worn path blazed by shills before you...Your strategy is not new.

    Hate to tell you, but you're following a well-known pattern my friend. Not talking about how many posts I have, it doesn't make me any more intelligent than anyone else...I never said it did, but it IS VERY RELEVANT that you only have 20 or so posts and you keep bringing up Optionetics.

    Yes I am aware that you mentioned checking out OptionVue, but you know, back when Trading Zoo got busted for spamming their shills were doing the same thing...

    They'd name two or three services/vendors they were "reseraching" and then oh wait a second, wow Trading Zoo is the best thing in the world and all the others suck...

    I am waiting for this critique to come out of your mouth.

    If it doesn't hey then I was wrong...that's okay, in fact it would make me happy to know you aren't a shill..But unfortunatey we all play a game of probabilities as traders..and if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck..well, you know the rest.

    I'm no options expert, but I am spending an enormous amount of time learning them because I ALREADY TRADE outrights...if anything I'd be pretty qualified to offer my opinion because I am not a newb and I also happen to be heavily involved in the quest for options knowledge myself...

    So again, my comments are relevant....at least people here know I'm no shill. I think that is self evident.
    #56     Jan 19, 2008
  7. I couldn't care less if Optionetics goes out of business, I am just a guy who wants to get better at options
    #57     Jan 19, 2008
  8. Good luck in your journey.
    #58     Jan 19, 2008
  9. ok guys..take your personal argument outside ....you both are like my sis and I as kids....HAD to have the last word:p
    #59     Jan 19, 2008
  10. Hey RichardRimes, you related to Busta by any chance? I think I may have asked you that before but I couldn't remember. Ever scalp backstage passes or anything?

    You sure like to chat, comment and meaninglessly ramble a lot...just wondered if the name and personalilty similarities were a coincidence or not.
    #60     Jan 19, 2008