
Discussion in 'Options' started by kylercooper, Jan 6, 2009.

  1. Has anyone used Optionsmart auto trade? The track record looks suspicious. I have tracked it for years, it appears to have done well even last year.
  2. spindr0


    I don't know a thing about OptionSmart but I wouldn't let anyone auto trade my account in this or any other lifetime.. Whaddya get when they blow it up, excuses? Oops, we're sorry?

    A very common trick with many newsletters and online services is that they use the high (or low) of the day to calculate their performance. Perhaps a real time service is different...

    And if someone had a superior long term track record, why would they bother autotrading for other people for a management fee, commissions or small portion of the gains? For a system with a real edge, the aforementioned would be pocket change as well as an overall hassle.

    Color me highly skeptical.