Options on futures

Discussion in 'Index Futures' started by milstar, Aug 13, 2005.

  1. milstar



    Can you compare trading of options on different futures ?

    options on SP/american exercise/ against options on
    DEX and LFT/europh. exercise /

    Cross comparsion of options on SP,ES,CL,NG,GC,ZN,ED,EC

    Author would very pleased for relevant information
  2. milstar


    Dear Sir

    Sorry to inform you,but thema in both link's not direct related
    to question of the author .

    Was asked about difference of intraday trading
    options with different exercise style american against
    european ,where both are highly liquid . SP,DEX,LFT
    /difference of ECN for underlying also /

    To questions ,which was disscused in your thread ,you
    can ask/he answer/ www.markdcook.com ,read A.Baird/Market maker/ Options market making .

    If protection is first objective ,scalping second ,best is synthetic asset

    Long SPY ,sell call and buy put with equal price ,which is independent from current underlying price .

    IF underlying highly margined /sp,es/ short time volatility impuls can trigger margin call