Options and Probabilities-- formulas and free tools

Discussion in 'Options' started by tradingjournals, Aug 8, 2010.

  1. Could you provide tools and/or analytic models that calculate:

    1. the probability that the underlying asset will be above or below a target price at any time during a time period.

    2. the probability that an asset will be outside either of two prices at any time during a time period.

    3. the probability that an asset move outside both of two price targets, and of being between the target prices at some time during a given time period.

    Free tools are sought. If you have formulas please provide them or give links. Thanks.
  2. I thought I'd mention also that Ch 2.8 should address the question of whether it's valid to interpret delta as the probability of ending ITM at expiry.
  3. Thanks.