Opinions please

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by marketsurfer, May 13, 2017.

  1. Imagine .. what 70 year old Billionaire would pay to feel only 15 years younger. Age Management Medicine is getting more popular as time passes.

    If you truely want to be wealthy ..invest in your health. Once your health starts going, your goals in life are narrowed down to a few. A healthy fit person is more wealthy than a decrepit Billionaire.
    #11     May 15, 2017
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  2. Way back when I was approaching 50 I was steadily posting all-time-highs every week. What triggered me to change course was needing a new suit since the old one didn't fit any more.

    NoDoji convinced me to go vegetarian and it turned out to be the best thing I ever did. I ended up losing 20+% over almost 5 months and was never hungry at all.

    Yes it's a radical diet change and most people can't or won't do it but it's what I did and it worked for me.
    #12     May 15, 2017
    Baron likes this.
  3. Zodiac4u


    My wife and I made the switch to healthy eating and dieting. It wasn’t a radical change but we didn't completely go vegetarian. When we started we just began by counting calories and this was the eye opener. I was amazed at how many calories were in our favorite foods.

    We approached our diet with science after doing some research we started with a base amount of calories to work with. I organized our menu plan to conform to the amount of calories. At first I was stumped at how to cook or organize our meals to that small amount of calories, but after a little effort it became easy . I used spice and that reduced the desire to eat large amounts of food down to smaller portions. Having raw vegie snacks in-between meals really helped curb the hunger. I made low fat hummus dips with smoked whitefish or spicy roasted red pepper with anchovies. You have to watch the calories and make sure you add some spice, the spicy heat will curb your appetite. I completely removed processed sugars, any flour and I reduced our meat portion size to 2 to 4 ounces. when you incorporate good eating habits It won’t take long for you to see the results of your efforts. After just a short time, you will feel the difference in your energy. Now I like my new food now way too much to go back to the old ways.:)

    Good luck
    #13     May 16, 2017
  4. It is indeed very helpful if your spouse participates. When he/she does not participates, or even resists, then it becomes far more difficult to make changes to your eating and drinking habits.
    #14     May 16, 2017
  5. volente_00


    This same concept applies to trading as well.

    Abs are made in the kitchen
    Not in the gym

    Surf you would be surprised what eating clean will do to you not just physically but mentally as well. Unless you are a freakish
    beast above 6 ft most men should weigh in the 170-200 range to be healthy. In the end it's all about calories. If you want to lose weight, I would start with a 1600 calorie a day low fat high protein diet. This may sound hard especially if you eat out a lot but there are so many more healthy choices compared to the crap you put inside your body now. The same discipline in trading applies to dieting as well. Here's an example of a diet based mostly on fast food

    Carnivor protein shake for breakfast 150 cal
    Mid morning snack protein bar 200 cal
    Lunch Grilled chicken sandwich chic fila 300
    Afternoon snack protein bar 200 cal
    Dinner large Wendy's chili no cheese 250 cal
    Bake potatoe with sour cream 320 cal
    After dinner snack protein bar 200

    Alternatives are yogurt, cottage cheese, beef jerky, tuna fish, oatmeal, whataburger grilled fajita taco

    My point is you can still eat whatever you want. You just can't eat as much as you want. Hell google the Twinkie diet. Most people fail at trading for the same reason they fail at dieting. Lack of self discipline and accountability.
    Just remember, eating healthy is a lifetime commitment. And like Baron said, use the bad foods as a reward for eating better. You don't have to give up what you like to eat, you just have to be reasonable and use discipline. Hell there are days will I will eat a 1000 calorie Hershey bar, and still be disciplined enough to keep my calories under 1600 if I am trying to cut weight.

    My point is we are here for you brother if you are serious about doing this and are more than happy to offer guidance and direction. Hell Baron alone has helped me greatly with my diet with his advice over the years.
    Last edited: May 17, 2017
    #15     May 17, 2017
  6. volente_00


    My diet plan allows for 14.5 12 ounce bud light beers per day if he chooses to blow his calorie allotment on drinking and not eating

    #16     May 17, 2017
  7. yeast and sugar.
    #17     May 17, 2017
  8. In which case it would be fully allotted to carbs and not to protein, as you suggest he should do.
    #18     May 17, 2017
  9. I changed my diet despite loud family resistance. Sometimes you just have to be a jerk to do what's best.
    #19     May 17, 2017
  10. volente_00


    Sure there are trade offs and if he wants to drink everyday instead of eat protein then it probably would be best to drop down to only 12 beers a day and 2 protein shakes to help minimize muscle wasting

    #20     May 17, 2017