Open Borders - The Final Solution

Discussion in 'Economics' started by yeayo, Jun 14, 2005.

  1. In all fairness, NJ needs to be one of the highest wage states to support its tax structure and its outrageous auto insurance rates. $3000 a year for basic auto? In NJ it is a real possibility.
    #41     Jun 15, 2005
  2. NJ state and local tax burden ranked #14 in the nation. It may sound pretty high but...

    The tax burden of only 6 states in the country is below 9% of per capita income, in other 44 states it's between 9% and 12%.

    It's 10.4% in NJ (same as Arizona, Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Kansas, better than Nebraska and Utah)

    I would rather pay a percent or two more in taxes in a high wage state than making 30% less money in states like Alabama and then saving 2% on state and local taxes.

    As far as car insurance is concerned I am paying less then $1,000 in NJ - full coverage, $500 deductible.
    #42     Jun 15, 2005
  3. Farside


    You need to learn how to is irrelevant what percentage of property taxes apartment dwellers pay, if there are 3 families living there. Yes, I think it is time that people pay extra if they have more than one kid, toward education. WTF should I pay for your 3 kids to go to school? They cost 20K each here in NJ.

    You mention Income is property taxes that are being raised to pay for the illegals services. And lastly, I'm not the altruistic type...I don't give a rats ass about educating the next generation of illegal immigrants. We don't need them....all the work is going to China and India. They come in here and have special "minority" everything, and then their kids get into college for free, etc. Like I said, mine the border!
    #43     Jun 15, 2005
  4. I got a better idea, leave the country. You cannot stop the world from chaning. And here in Florida it's the state sales tax which goes to fund the majority of education (I believe). This is on top of having far more illegal immigrants. So please don't blame immigration for New Jersery's shitty policies which end up costing you more in taxes than anywhere else.
    #44     Jun 15, 2005
  5. d9d


    you can't be serious.

    you'd better take a look at the total debt, public and private, of the USA. 100 TRILLION or something on that order? yah mon....that's a big-ass pile o' bills all right...

    our standard of living has -already- fallen below a dozen other countries in only the past 10 years. I'll bet you're well off, and urban...of -course- you think "we" are rich. If you'd check out the ghettos, the decimated rural areas and small towns, etc., you might have a more accurate picture.

    In just 2-3 more years, as the depression takes hold, it's going to be horrendous here....

    As far as the comment about immigration being "xenophobic" blah blah....that's a bunch of useless moralizing crap.

    The problem ain't xenophobia dude, the problem is people spouting feel-good nonsense like that, without having a clue about REAL WORLD system-wide concerns.

    This country -already- has 2-3 times the population that our fresh-water and arable land resources can support long-term. Long-term carry capacity here is around 60-100 million; not 500 million. Aquifer drawdown is already very serious in the west and midwest.

    I loved the part about 2.45 children not being much different than 2.08 ! :D

    I can tell that you're not well versed in population statistics. fyi, that is a HUGE difference!

    Look at birth/death models and replacement threshold statistics....over generational time periods, that's a monster difference. Think of it as "compounding" and maybe you'll get the picture... :D

    The gentleman's point about schools and other public-borne costs being used with next to zero contribution is spot on. Gainsay it all you like, but he's 100% correct.

    And what in the world gave you the idea that public schools cost -less- than private schools ??? The TOTAL cost is not just the taxes labeled "education".

    Look at the mega-debt that states have taken on to fund all that bloat... Public schools are one of the biggest money-sinks in the country.

    And just a note about the original paper that was posted....

    That is the yak-yak from the libertarian PARTY....but it sure as hell does NOT represent the views of a whole lot of libertarians.

    I just don't want anyone writing off libertarianism because of this sort of garbage coming out of the LP these days.

    Much of it has little to do with fundamental underlying libertarian views...and lots to do with the LP being co-opted by the PTB....much as the other 3rd-parties have been...
    #45     Jun 16, 2005
  6. How tax-friendly is your state?

    There's not much of a difference between states. A state with no income tax will make it up by charging a higher sales tax than a state that taxes income.
    #46     Jun 16, 2005
  7. You keep believing that... *snikers*
    #47     Jun 16, 2005
  8. Great post, thank you.

    I'm afraid the real solution to human overpopulation is going to be a pandemic or something similar. We just can't come to grips with the problem using reason/science/rationality.


    #48     Jun 16, 2005
  9. "dddooo" posted the same thing as I did in terms of state tax burders. You really have no clue how anything works do ya?

    I told you once before to stop posting garbage, in this thread :

    You did have a social security thread that was deleted because it was pure garbage.
    #49     Jun 16, 2005
  10. What are borders anyway?

    Imaginary lines in the sand that decide which politicians steal (tax) your money & assets.

    It seems most of the complaints on this topic are of the nature.."I'm paying for this (through taxes) but they're not"

    If all government services were organized like the post office then you would truly be free to choose what you use and what it costs to provide that service. The post office pays no taxes but other than that runs as a business competing with fedex, ups, & dhl. Their monopoly on regular mail service might be protected by law, I don't know for sure.

    This would certainly work for schools. Why should everyone pay for public schools when some people don't have any children? Is that freedom? I don't think so. And the public schools here (US)aren't even that good!

    Roads could and should be paid for strictly through tolls & gasoline taxes. If you are buying gasoline you are using the roads, and the more you buy the more you drive (roughly) so it is fair. Those funds would go to a organization whose sole purpose is to maintain the transportation infrastructure.

    I could go on but you get the picture. Governments are not neccessary and actually quite detrimental. Imagine how much less death and destruction there would have been in the past if governments did not exist.

    It's not the immigrants who are the problem but the politicians.
    They steal (tax) your money and then they use it to keep themselves in their cushy job. That is they're main motivation. Do you know that some senators can expect to get retirement benefit of over $100k/year? I don't have the reference handy but it was in IBD in an article talking about SS reform.

    OK, I might have gone a little bit off topic but really how can you complain about immigrants when none of you would be here if your ancestors hadn't came here some time in the past. If you are an amercan indian you have more to complain about than mexicans coming over the border. There's another example of a government sponsored attrocity.
    #50     Jun 16, 2005